/** * chatUI constructor * @constructor * @param {d3-selection} container - Container for the chat interface. * @return {object} chatUI object */ var chatUI = (function (container) { var module = {}; module.chatbot = container.append('div').attr('id', 'cb-chatbot'); module.chatbotButton = container.append('button').attr('id', 'cb-chatbot-button'); module.chatbotButton.append('div').attr('class', 'cb-sc-krNlru'); module.container = module.chatbot.append('div').attr('id', 'cb-container'); module.config = null; module.bubbles = []; module.ID = 0; module.keys = {}; module.types = {}; module.inputState = false; module.height = 0; module.container.html(`

다보리 AI 매니저

`) // // module.top = module.container.append('div').attr('class', 'cb-top'); // module.top.button1 = module.top.append('button'); // module.top.button1.append('img').attr('id', 'cb-zoom-img').attr('src', '/chat-ui/build/assets/icn_big.svg'); // module.top.button2 = module.top.append('button'); // module.top.button2.append('img').attr('src', '/chat-ui/build/assets/icn_cls.svg'); // // module.header = module.container.append('div').attr('id', 'cb-header'); // module.header.title = module.header.append('div').attr('id', 'cb-title'); // module.header.title.logo = module.header.title.append('div').attr('class', 'cb-icon'); // module.header.title.text = module.header.title.append('p').attr('id', 'cb-text').text('다보리 AI 매니저'); // // module.setting = module.header.append('div').attr('class', 'cb-setting cb-topicn'); // // module.setting.dropdown1 = module.setting.append('div').attr('class', 'cb-dropdown'); // module.setting.dropdown1.button1 = module.setting.dropdown1.append('button'); // module.setting.dropdown1.dropmenu = module.setting.dropdown1.append('div').attr('class', 'cb-dropmenu').append('ul'); // module.setting.dropdown1.dropmenu.li = module.setting.dropdown1.dropmenu.append('li'); // module.setting.dropdown1.dropmenu.li.append('div').attr('class', 'cb-avatar').append('img') // .attr('src', '/chat-ui/build/assets/icn_none.svg'); // module.setting.dropdown1.dropmenu.li.append('div').attr('class', 'cb-conts').html('') // // module.setting.dropdown1.button1.append('img').attr('src', '/chat-ui/build/assets/icn_gpt.svg'); // // module.setting.dropdown2 = module.setting.append('div').attr('class', 'cb-dropdown'); // module.setting.dropdown2.button2 = module.setting.dropdown2.append('button'); // module.setting.dropdown2.button2.append('img').attr('src', '/chat-ui/build/assets/icn_bard.svg') // // module.setting.dropdown3 = module.setting.append('div').attr('class', 'cb-dropdown'); // module.setting.dropdown3.button3 = module.setting.dropdown3.append('button'); // module.setting.dropdown3.button3.append('img').attr('src', '/chat-ui/build/assets/icn_chat.svg') // module.setting.select = module.setting.append('select').attr('class', 'cb-setting-select'); // module.setting.select.append('option').text('ChatGPT'); // module.setting.select.append('option').text('Bard'); // module.setting.select.append('option').text('LLaMA'); // module.setting.select.append('option').text('HyperClovaX'); // module.setting.select.append('option').text('KoGPT'); module.scroll = module.container.append('div').attr('id', 'cb-flow'); module.flow = module.scroll.append('div').attr('class', 'cb-inner'); module.input = module.container.append('div').attr('id', 'cb-input').style('display', 'none'); module.input.append('div').attr('id', 'cb-input-container').append('input').attr('type', 'text'); module.input.append('button').text('+'); /** * updateContainer should be called when height or width changes of the container changes * @memberof chatUI */ module.updateContainer = function () { module.height = module.container.node().offsetHeight; module.flow.style('padding-top', module.height + 'px'); module.scroll.style('height', (module.height - ((module.inputState == true) ? 77 : 0)) + 'px'); module.scrollTo('end'); }; /** * @memberof chatUI * @param {object} options - object containing configs {type:string (e.g. 'text' or 'select'), class:string ('human' || 'bot'), value:depends on type} * @param {function} callback - function to be called after everything is done * @return {integer} id - id of the bubble */ module.addBubble = function (options, callback) { callback = callback || function () { }; if (!(options.type in module.types)) { throw 'Unknown bubble type'; } else { module.ID++; var id = module.ID; module.bubbles.push({ id: id, type: options.type //additional info }); module.keys[id] = module.bubbles.length - 1; //segment container var outer = module.flow.append('div') .attr('class', 'cb-segment cb-' + options.class + ' cb-bubble-type-' + options.type) .attr('id', 'cb-segment-' + id); //speaker icon outer.append('div').attr('class', 'cb-icon'); var bubble = outer.append('div') .attr('class', 'cb-bubble ' + options.class) // .style("height", "50px") .append('div') .attr('class', 'cb-inner'); outer.append('hr'); module.types[options.type](bubble, options, callback); module.scrollTo('end'); return module.ID; } }; module.addApiBubble = function (bubble, options, callback) { callback = callback || function () { }; if (!(options.type in module.types)) { throw 'Unknown bubble type'; } else { module.ID++; var id = module.ID; module.bubbles.push({ id: id, type: options.type //additional info }); module.keys[id] = module.bubbles.length - 1; module.types[options.type](bubble, options, callback); module.scrollTo('end'); return module.ID; } }; /** * @memberof chatUI * @param {d3-selection} bubble - d3 selection of the bubble container * @param {object} options - object containing configs {type:'text', class:string ('human' || 'bot'), value:array of objects (e.g. [{label:'yes'}])} * @param {function} callback - function to be called after everything is done */ module.types.select = function (bubble, options, callback) { bubble.selectAll('.cb-choice').data(options.value).enter().append('div') .attr('class', 'cb-choice') .text(function (d) { return d.label; }) .on('click', function (d) { d3.select(this).classed('cb-active', true); d3.select(this.parentNode).selectAll('.cb-choice').on('click', function () { }); callback(d); }); }; /** * @memberof chatUI * @param {d3-selection} bubble - d3 selection of the bubble container * @param {object} options - object containing configs {type:'text', class:string ('human' || 'bot'), value:string (e.g. 'Hello World')} * @param {function} callback - function to be called after everything is done */ module.types.text = function (bubble, options, callback) { if (('delay' in options) && options.delay) { // var animatedCircles = '
'; // bubble.append('div') // .attr('class', 'cb-waiting') // .html(animatedCircles); setTimeout(function () { bubble.select(".cb-waiting").remove(); module.appendText(bubble, options, callback); }, (isNaN(options.delay) ? 1000 : options.delay)); } else { module.appendText(bubble, options, callback); } }; /** * Helper Function for adding text to a bubble * @memberof chatUI * @param {d3-selection} bubble - d3 selection of the bubble container * @param {object} options - object containing configs {type:'text', class:string ('human' || 'bot'), value:string (e.g. 'Hello World')} * @param {function} callback - function to be called after everything is done */ module.appendText = function (bubble, options, callback) { bubble.attr('class', 'bubble-ctn-' + options.class).append('p') .html(options.value) .transition() .duration(200) .style("width", "auto") .style('opacity', 1); chat.scrollTo('end'); callback(); }; /** * Showing the input module and set cursor into input field * @memberof chatUI * @param {function} submitCallback - function to be called when user presses enter or submits through the submit-button * @param {function} typeCallback - function to when user enters text (on change) */ module.showInput = function (submitCallback, typeCallback) { module.inputState = true; if (typeCallback) { module.input.select('input') .on('change', function () { typeCallback(d3.select(this).node().value); }); } else { module.input.select('input').on('change', function () { }); } module.input.select('input').on('keyup', function () { const val = module.input.select('input').node().value if (d3.event.keyCode == 13 && val != '') { submitCallback(val); module.input.select('input').node().value = ''; } }); module.input.select('button') .on('click', function () { const val = module.input.select('input').node().value if (val != '') { submitCallback(val); module.input.select('input').node().value = ''; } }); module.input.style('display', 'block'); module.updateContainer(); module.input.select('input').node().focus(); module.scrollTo('end'); }; /** * Hide the input module */ module.hideInput = function () { module.input.select('input').node().blur(); module.input.style('display', 'none'); module.inputState = false; module.updateContainer(); module.scrollTo('end'); }; /** * Remove a bubble from the chat * @memberof chatUI * @param {integer} id - id of bubble provided by addBubble */ module.removeBubble = function (id) { module.flow.select('#cb-segment-' + id).remove(); module.bubbles.splice(module.keys[id], 1); delete module.keys[id]; }; /** * Remove all bubbles until the bubble with 'id' from the chat * @memberof chatUI * @param {integer} id - id of bubble provided by addBubble */ module.removeBubbles = function (id) { for (var i = module.bubbles.length - 1; i >= module.keys[id]; i--) { module.removeBubble(module.bubbles[i].id); } }; /** * Remove all bubbles until the bubble with 'id' from the chat * @memberof chatUI * @param {integer} id - id of bubble provided by addBubble * @return {object} obj - {el:d3-selection, obj:bubble-data} */ module.getBubble = function (id) { return { el: module.flow.select('#cb-segment-' + id), obj: module.bubbles[module.keys[id]] }; }; module.clearBubbles = function () { const cbInnerElements = document.getElementsByClassName('cb-inner'); for (let i = 0; i < cbInnerElements.length; i++) { const cbInnerElement = cbInnerElements[i]; // Remove all child elements of each 'cb-inner' element while (cbInnerElement.firstChild) { cbInnerElement.removeChild(cbInnerElement.firstChild); } } }; /** * Scroll chat flow * @memberof chatUI * @param {string} position - where to scroll either 'start' or 'end' */ module.scrollTo = function (position) { //start var s = 0; //end if (position == 'end') { const innerHeight = d3.select("#cb-flow").node().clientHeight; s = module.scroll.property('scrollHeight') - (innerHeight - 77); } d3.select('#cb-flow').transition() .duration(300) .tween("scroll", scrollTween(s)); }; function initChat() { var conversation = {}; conversation.init = function () { module.addBubble({ type: 'text', value: '안녕하세요, 어떻게 도와드릴까요 ?', class: 'bot', delay: 0 }, function () { //Show the input container module.showInput(conversation.nameResponse); }); }; conversation.nameResponse = function (message) { module.addBubble({type: 'text', value: message, class: 'human', delay: 0}); const outer = module.flow.append('div') .attr('class', 'cb-segment cb-' + 'bot' + ' cb-bubble-type-' + 'text') .attr('id', 'cb-segment-' + (module.ID + 1)); outer.append('div').attr('class', 'cb-icon'); const bubble = outer.append('div') .attr('class', 'cb-bubble ' + 'bot') // .style("height", "50px") .append('div') .attr('class', 'cb-inner'); outer.append('hr'); const animatedCircles = '
'; bubble.append('div') .attr('class', 'cb-waiting') .html(animatedCircles); d3.request('') .header("Content-Type", "application/json") .post(JSON.stringify({ message: message }), function(error, data) { if (error) { module.addBubble({type: 'text', value: 'API 호출 중 오류 발생', class: 'bot', delay: 0}); outer.remove(); } else { const content = JSON.parse(data.responseText)['content'].replace(/\n/g, "
"); module.addApiBubble(bubble,{type: 'text', value: content, class: 'bot', delay: 500}); } }); }; conversation.init(); } function initDaboryChat() { var conversation = {}; conversation.init = function () { module.addBubble({ type: 'text', value: '안녕하세요. setup-get api 테스트!', class: 'bot', delay: 1000 }, function () { //After initial bubble is presented, ask the user for her name module.addBubble({ type: 'text', value: '가져올 setup 설정코드와 브랜드코드를 콤마로 구분해서 입력하세요.(ex: contact-us,main)', class: 'bot', delay: 0 }); //Show the input container module.showInput(conversation.nameResponse); }); }; conversation.nameResponse = function (setup) { //As input arrives, present the input module.addBubble({type: 'text', value: setup, class: 'human', delay: 0}); //Hide the input container // module.hideInput(); const [setupCode, brandCode] = setup.split(',') $.fn.dataLinker.api23Js('setup-get', { SetupCode: setupCode, BrandCode: brandCode, }, function (response) { console.log(response) module.addBubble({type: 'text', value: JSON.stringify(response), class: 'bot', delay: 500}); }) //And welcome the user with her name // module.addBubble({ type: 'text', value: 'Hello '+userName, class: 'bot', delay: 500 }, function(){ // module.addBubble({ type: 'text', value: 'Do you want to know my name?', class: 'bot', delay:500 }, function(){ // // module.addBubble({ type: 'select', value:[{label:'Yes'}, {label:'No'}], class: 'human', delay: 0 }, conversation.questResponse); // // }); // }); }; // conversation.questResponse = function(mood){ // switch(mood.label){ // case 'Yes': // module.addBubble({ type: 'text', value: 'My name is BOT.', class: 'bot', delay: 500 }); // break; // case 'No': // module.addBubble({ type: 'text', value: 'OK :(', class: 'bot', delay: 500 }); // break; // } // }; conversation.init(); } function scrollTween(offset) { return function () { var i = d3.interpolateNumber(module.scroll.property('scrollTop'), offset); return function (t) { module.scroll.property('scrollTop', i(t)); }; }; } function debouncer(func, _timeout) { var timeoutID, timeout = _timeout || 200; return function () { var scope = this, args = arguments; clearTimeout(timeoutID); timeoutID = setTimeout(function () { func.apply(scope, Array.prototype.slice.call(args)); }, timeout); }; } function closeChat() { const chatbotElement = document.getElementById('cb-chatbot'); const chatbotBtnElement = document.getElementById('cb-chatbot-button'); if (chatbotBtnElement.classList.contains('active')) { // If the class is already present, remove it chatbotBtnElement.classList.remove('active'); chatbotElement.style.display = 'none'; } else { module.clearBubbles() initChat() chatbotBtnElement.classList.add('active'); chatbotElement.style.display = 'block'; d3.select("#cb-input-container input").node().focus(); } } module.container.select('#zoom-btn').on('click', function () { const chatbotElement = d3.select('#cb-chatbot'); const zoomImgElement = d3.select('#cb-zoom-img'); if (chatbotElement.classed('zoom-in')) { // 'zoom-in' 클래스가 있으면 제거하고 이미지 소스 변경 chatbotElement.classed('zoom-in', false); zoomImgElement.attr('src', '/chat-ui/build/assets/icn_big.svg'); } else { chatbotElement.classed('zoom-in', true); zoomImgElement.attr('src', '/chat-ui/build/assets/icn_small.svg'); } module.scrollTo('end'); }); module.container.select('#select-ai-btn').on('click', function () { const dropmenuElement = d3.select(this) .select(function() { return this.closest('.cb-dropdown').querySelector('.cb-dropmenu'); }); if (dropmenuElement.classed('active')) { dropmenuElement.classed('active', false); dropmenuElement.style('display', 'none'); } else { dropmenuElement.classed('active', true); dropmenuElement.style('display', 'block'); } }); module.container.selectAll('.cb-dropmenu li').on('click', function () { d3.selectAll('.cb-dropmenu li').each(function () { d3.select(this).classed('active', false); d3.select(this).select('.cb-badge span').classed('cb-success', false); }); d3.select(this).classed('active', true); d3.select(this).select('.cb-badge span').classed('cb-success', true); }); module.container.select('#close-btn').on('click', function () { closeChat() }); module.chatbotButton.on('click', function () { closeChat() }); //On Resize scroll to end d3.select(window).on('resize', debouncer(function (e) { module.updateContainer(); }, 200)); module.updateContainer(); return module; });