const CheckDecimal = x => { const realStringObj = obj && obj.toString(); if (!jQuery.isArray(obj) && (realStringObj - parseFloat(realStringObj) + 1) >= 0) return false; const parts = x.toString().split("."); parts[0] = parts[0].replace(/\B(?=(\d{3})+(?!\d))/g, ","); return parts.join("."); } const CheckMail = email => { const re = /^(([^<>()[\]\\.,;:\s@"]+(\.[^<>()[\]\\.,;:\s@"]+)*)|(".+"))@((\[[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}\])|(([a-zA-Z\-0-9]+\.)+[a-zA-Z]{2,}))$/; const result = re.test(String(email).toLowerCase()); // !result && alert('Email is invalid !!!', 'error'); return result; } const CheckNum = input => !isNaN(input); const LenCheck = (input, length) => { return input.length <= length; } const CheckMinMax = (elm, min, max) => { const length = $(elm).val().length; if (length < min || length > max) { $(elm).empty(); $(elm).focus(); } } function setCookie(cookieName, value, expirationDate) { var cookieValue = escape(value) + ((expirationDate == null) ? '' : '; expires=' + expirationDate.toUTCString()) + ';path=/'; document.cookie = cookieName + '=' + cookieValue; } function getCookie(cookieName) { var name = cookieName + '='; var decodedCookie = decodeURIComponent(document.cookie); var cookieArray = decodedCookie.split(';'); for (var i = 0; i < cookieArray.length; i++) { var cookie = cookieArray[i]; while (cookie.charAt(0) == ' ') { cookie = cookie.substring(1); } if (cookie.indexOf(name) == 0) { return cookie.substring(name.length, cookie.length); } } return ''; } function makeTwoDigit(number) { return number < 10 ? '0' + number : number.toString(); } function isEmptyArr(arr) { if(Array.isArray(arr) && arr.length === 0) { return true; } return false; } const CheckSSN = ssn => { const ssnPattern = /^[0-9]{3}\-?[0-9]{2}\-?[0-9]{4}$/; return ssnPattern.test(ssn); } const CheckRequired = inputList => { inputList.forEach(item => { const value = item.val(); if (value == null || value == '' || value == undefined) { alert(`${'name')} is required !!!`, 'error'); return false; } }) }; const ComfirmPasswd = (pass, confirmPass) => pass === confirmPass; const DisableInput = elm => $(elm).prop('disabled', function (i, v) { return !v; }); const BlinkObject = elm => { $(elm).fadeOut('slow', function () { $(this).fadeIn('slow', function () { BlinkObject(this); }); }); } const InitCheckBox = (data, name) => { let html = ''; data.forEach(item => { html += ` ${item}`; }); return html; } const InitRadio = (data, name) => { let html = ''; data.forEach(item => { html += ` ${item}`; }); return html; } const InitSelect = (data, name) => ``; const ArrayToOption = array => { let html = ''; array.forEach(item => { html += `` }); return html; } function commaCheck($this) { $($this).val(function (index, value) { value = value.replace(/,/g, ''); return numberWithCommas(value); }); } function minusComma(value) { let formNumber = "" + trim(value); // 문자제거 // value = formNumber.toString().replace(/[^\d]+/g, ""); // 콤마제거 value = formNumber.toString().replace(/,/g, ""); return value; } function rand(min, max) { return Math.floor(Math.random() * (max - min)) + min; } function format_decimal(val, number) { let format = decimal_convert(number); // 소수점 버린다. return numeral(Math.floor(val).toFixed(number)).format(format); // 소수점 반올림. return numeral(parseFloat(val).toFixed(number)).format(format); } function fill_zero(width, str) { return (str.length && width > 0) ? str + '.' + new Array(width + 1).join('0') : str; } function decimal_convert(point_name) { return fill_zero(parseInt(point_name), '0,0') } function remove_tag( html ) { return html.replace(/(<([^>]+)>)/gi, ""); } function formatDateString(inputString) { // Split the input string into an array of substrings with two characters each const chunks = inputString.match(/.{1,2}/g) || []; // Initialize an empty result string let result = ''; // Iterate through the chunks and process accordingly for (const chunk of chunks) { // Check if the chunk is "00" if (chunk === "00") { // If it is, break out of the loop break; } // Otherwise, add the chunk to the result string result += chunk; } return result; } function is_localhost() { if (location.hostname === 'localhost' || location.hostname === '') { return true } return false } function get_clusterize_rows_in_block() { return 10 // return is_localhost() ? 10 : 10 } function remove_comma_and_arithmetic(a, b, type) { switch (type) { case 'plus': return Number(minusComma(a)) + Number(minusComma(b)) case 'minus': return Number(minusComma(a)) - Number(minusComma(b)) } } function unixtimeFormatDate(data) { moment.locale('ko') return moment(new Date(data * 1000)).format('YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ss (dd)') } function format_result(data, format, display_vars = undefined) { let result = data if(isHtmlEncoded(result)){ result = htmlDecode(result); } switch (format) { case 'YYYY-MM-DD': case 'YYYY.MM.DD': case 'YYYYMMDD': case 'YY-MM-DD': case 'YY.MM.DD': case 'YYMMDD': case 'yy-mm-dd': case '': case 'yymmdd': result = isEmpty(data) ? '' : moment(data).format(format.toUpperCase()); break; case 'unixtime': result = isEmpty(data) ? '' : moment(new Date(data * 1000)).format('YY-MM-DD HH:mm:ss'); break; case '': result = isEmpty(data) ? '' : moment(new Date(data * 1000)).format('YY-MM-DD'); break; case '$_ThumbNail': const w = display_vars['ListWidth'] === 0 ? '100%' : display_vars['ListWidth'] + 'px'; const h = display_vars['ListHeight'] === 0 ? '100%' : display_vars['ListHeight'] + 'px'; result = `
`; //
// break; case '$_FileName': let path_list = data.split('/') result = path_list[path_list.length - 1]; break; case 'check': if (data == 1 || data == true) { result = '✓'; } else { result = ''; } break; case 'unique': result = data.split("'").join(''); break; case 'date_month': result = isEmpty(data) ? '' : moment(data).format('YY.MM'); break; case 'date_week': result = isEmpty(data) ? '' : `${moment(data).format('YY.MM')}-${moment(data).isoWeek()}`; break; case 'remove_tag': result = remove_tag(data); break; default: if (! isEmpty(format) && format.match(/[A-Za-z]+\s*\(\s*'(.*?)\'\s*\)\s*/)) { const func_name = format.replace(')', `, '${data}')`); try { result = eval(`format_func_${func_name}`); } catch (err) { result = 'Invalid'; } } break; } return result; } function htmlDecode(str) { const parser = new DOMParser(); const doc = parser.parseFromString(str, 'text/html'); return doc.documentElement.textContent; } function isHtmlEncoded(str) { const htmlEntitiesPattern = /&[a-zA-Z0-9#]{2,6};/; return htmlEntitiesPattern.test(str); } function format_conver_for(data, format, display_vars = undefined, is_split_column = false) { if (is_split_column) { if (format.includes('|')) { let data_list = data.split('|||'); let format_list = format.split('|'); let result_list = []; format_list.forEach(function (format, index) { if (format.startsWith("^")) { format = format.substring(1); } result_list.push(format_result(data_list[index], format, display_vars)) }); let r = ''; result_list.forEach(function (result, index) { if (index >= result_list.length -1) { r += result } else { if (format_list[index + 1].includes('^')) { r += result + '
' } else { r += result + ' | ' } } }) return r } } return format_result(data, format, display_vars) } function format_func_decimal(...argv) { const format = capitalize(camelCase(argv[0])) + 'Point'; let data; if (window.User[format] == undefined) { return 'Invalid'; } switch (argv.length) { case 2: data = format_decimal(argv[1], window.User[format]); break; case 3: data = format_decimal(argv[2], window.User[format]) if (argv[1] === 'nz' && (isEmpty(data) || data == 0)) { data = 0; } else if (argv[1] === 'zn' && (isEmpty(data) || data == 0)) { data = ''; } break; } if (argv[1] === '') { return '' } return data; } function format_func_status_update(value, data) { return { Field: 'Status', Value: format_func_status_rev(value, data), }; } function format_func_status_code_update(value, data) { return { Field: 'Status', Value: data, }; } function format_func_status_rev(value, data) { const status = Object.values(window.CodeTitle['status'][value]).filter(status => status.Title == data) if (isEmptyArr(status)) { return data; } return _.first(status)['Code']; } function format_func_status(value, data) { if (window.CodeTitle['status'] && window.CodeTitle['status'][value][data]) { return window.CodeTitle['status'][value][data]['Title']; } return 'Invalid'; } function format_func_sort_update(value, data) { return { Field: 'Sort', Value: format_func_sort_rev(value, data), }; } function format_func_sort_code_update(value, data) { return { Field: 'Sort', Value: data, }; } function format_func_sort_rev(value, data) { const sort = Object.values(window.CodeTitle['sort'][value]).filter(sort => sort.Title == data) if (isEmptyArr(sort)) { return data; } return _.first(sort)['Code']; } function format_func_sort(value, data) { if (window.CodeTitle['sort'] && window.CodeTitle['sort'][value][data]) { return window.CodeTitle['sort'][value][data]['Title']; } return 'Invalid'; } function format_func_deal_type_update(value, data) { return { Field: 'DealType', Value: format_func_deal_type_rev(value, data), }; } function format_func_deal_type_rev(value, data) { const deal_type = Object.values(window.CodeTitle['deal-type'][value]).filter(deal_type => deal_type.Title == data) if (isEmptyArr(deal_type)) { return data; } return _.first(deal_type)['Code']; } function format_func_deal_type(value, data) { if (window.CodeTitle['deal-type'] && window.CodeTitle['deal-type'][value][data]) { return window.CodeTitle['deal-type'][value][data]['Title']; } return 'Invalid'; } function format_func_paymethod_rev(value, data) { const paymethod = Object.values(window.CodeTitle['paymethod'][value]).filter(paymethod => paymethod.Title == data) if (isEmptyArr(paymethod)) { return data; } return _.first(paymethod)['Code']; } function format_func_paymethod(value, data) { if (window.CodeTitle['paymethod'] && window.CodeTitle['paymethod'][value][data]) { return window.CodeTitle['paymethod'][value][data]['Title']; } return 'Invalid'; } function format_func_situation_rev(value, data) { const situation = Object.values(window.CodeTitle['situation'][value]).filter(situation => situation.Title == data) if (isEmptyArr(situation)) { return data; } return _.first(situation)['Code']; } function format_func_situation(value, data) { if (window.CodeTitle['situation'] && window.CodeTitle['situation'][value][data]) { return window.CodeTitle['situation'][value][data]['Title']; } return 'Invalid'; } function format_func_bill_type_update(value, data) { return { Field: 'BillType', Value: format_func_deal_type_rev(value, data), }; } function format_func_bill_type_rev(value, data) { const bill_type = Object.values(window.CodeTitle['bill-type'][value]).filter(bill_type => bill_type.Title == data) if (isEmptyArr(bill_type)) { return data; } return _.first(bill_type)['Code']; } function format_func_bill_type(value, data) { if (window.CodeTitle['bill-type'] && window.CodeTitle['bill-type'][value][data]) { return window.CodeTitle['bill-type'][value][data]['Title']; } return 'Invalid'; } function format_func_setup_code_update(value, data) { return { Field: 'SetupCode', Value: format_func_setup_code_rev(value, data), }; } function format_func_setup_code_rev(value, data) { const setup_code = Object.values(window.CodeTitle['setup-code'][value]).filter(setup_code => setup_code.Title == data) if (isEmptyArr(setup_code)) { return data; } return _.first(setup_code)['Code']; } function format_func_setup_code(value, data) { if (window.CodeTitle['setup-code'] && window.CodeTitle['setup-code'][value][data]) { return window.CodeTitle['setup-code'][value][data]['Title']; } return 'Invalid'; } function format_func_expose_type_update(value, data) { return { Field: 'ExposeType', Value: format_func_expose_type_rev(value, data), }; } function format_func_expose_type_rev(value, data) { const expose_type = Object.values(window.CodeTitle['expose-type'][value]).filter(expose_type => expose_type.Title == data) if (isEmptyArr(expose_type)) { return data; } return _.first(expose_type)['Code']; } function format_func_expose_type(value, data) { if (window.CodeTitle['expose-type'] && window.CodeTitle['expose-type'][value][data]) { return window.CodeTitle['expose-type'][value][data]['Title']; } return 'Invalid'; } function format_func_ship_type_update(value, data) { return { Field: 'ShipType', Value: format_func_ship_type_rev(value, data), }; } function format_func_ship_type_rev(value, data) { const ship_type = Object.values(window.CodeTitle['ship-type'][value]).filter(ship_type => ship_type.Title == data) if (isEmptyArr(ship_type)) { return data; } return _.first(ship_type)['Code']; } function format_func_ship_type(value, data) { if (window.CodeTitle['ship-type'] && window.CodeTitle['ship-type'][value][data]) { return window.CodeTitle['ship-type'][value][data]['Title']; } return 'Invalid'; } function format_func_delay_type_update(value, data) { return { Field: 'DelayType', Value: format_func_delay_type_rev(value, data), }; } function format_func_delay_type_rev(value, data) { const delay_type = Object.values(window.CodeTitle['delay-type'][value]).filter(delay_type => delay_type.Title == data) if (isEmptyArr(delay_type)) { return data; } return _.first(delay_type)['Code']; } function format_func_delay_type(value, data) { if (window.CodeTitle['delay-type'] && window.CodeTitle['delay-type'][value][data]) { return window.CodeTitle['delay-type'][value][data]['Title']; } return 'Invalid'; } function format_func_cargo_type_update(value, data) { return { Field: 'CargoType', Value: format_func_cargo_type_rev(value, data), }; } function format_func_cargo_type_rev(value, data) { const cargo_type = Object.values(window.CodeTitle['cargo-type'][value]).filter(cargo_type => cargo_type.Title == data) if (isEmptyArr(cargo_type)) { return data; } return _.first(cargo_type)['Code']; } function format_func_cargo_type(value, data) { if (window.CodeTitle['cargo-type'] && window.CodeTitle['cargo-type'][value][data]) { return window.CodeTitle['cargo-type'][value][data]['Title']; } return 'Invalid'; } function format_func_condition_type_update(value, data) { return { Field: 'ConditionType', Value: format_func_condition_type_rev(value, data), }; } function format_func_condition_type_rev(value, data) { const condition_type = Object.values(window.CodeTitle['condition-type'][value]).filter(condition_type => condition_type.Title == data) if (isEmptyArr(condition_type)) { return data; } return _.first(condition_type)['Code']; } function formatPhoneNumber(phoneNumber) { // Remove any non-numeric characters let cleaned = phoneNumber.replace(/\D/g, ''); // Check if the number starts with 010 and is 11 digits long if (cleaned.length === 11 && cleaned.startsWith('010')) { return cleaned.replace(/(\d{3})(\d{4})(\d{4})/, '$1-$2-$3'); } else { // Return the input if it doesn't match the expected format return 'Invalid phone number format'; } } function format_func_condition_type(value, data) { if (window.CodeTitle['condition-type'] && window.CodeTitle['condition-type'][value][data]) { return window.CodeTitle['condition-type'][value][data]['Title']; } return 'Invalid'; } function check_dom_input_number(dom_array) { let arr = dom_array.filter(el => isNaN($(el).val())) arr.forEach(el => $(el).val('') ); if (! isEmptyArr(arr)) { iziToast.error({ title: 'Error', message: $('#please-enter-a-number').text(), }); return true; } return false; } function show_iziToast_msg(data, callback = undefined) { if (isEmpty(data['apiStatus'])) { iziToast.success({ title: 'Success', message: $('#action-completed').text(), }); if (callback) { callback() } } else { iziToast.error({ title: 'Error', message: data.body ?? $('#api-request-failed-please-check').text(), }); } } // function show_iziToast_msg(page, callback = undefined) { // if (page) { // iziToast.success({ // title: 'Success', // message: $('#action-completed').text(), // }); // if (callback) { // callback() // } // } else { // console.log(page) // iziToast.error({ // title: 'Error', // message: ?? $('#api-request-failed-please-check').text(), // }); // } // } const generate_random_string = (num) => { const characters ='ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz'; let result = ''; const charactersLength = characters.length; for (let i = 0; i < num; i++) { result += characters.charAt(Math.floor(Math.random() * charactersLength)); } return result; } function find_menu_info(data, find_code) { return data.filter(menu => menu['MenuCode'] === find_code)[0] } async function show_recrystallize_server(print_vars, type, vars) { let simple_filter = '', list_type1_vars = '' switch (type) { case 'formB': simple_filter = vars break case 'type1': list_type1_vars = vars break } if (isEmpty(window.env['REPORT_SERVER_URL'])) { return iziToast.error({ title: 'Error', message: 'REPORT_SERVER_URL 의 지정 내용이 없어 PDF를 생성할 수 없습니다.' }) } const response = await get_api_data('list-type1-page', { QueryVars: { QueryName: print_vars['QueryName'], SimpleFilter: simple_filter }, ListType1Vars: { ...list_type1_vars, IsntPageReturn: true, IsCrystalReport: true, IsDownloadList: true, IsAddTotalLine: false, } }) // console.log(response) if (['apiStatus']) { return iziToast.error({ title: 'Error', message:['body'] ?? $('#api-request-failed-please-check').text() }) } const reportName = print_vars['ReportPath'] let url = window.env['REPORT_SERVER_URL'] + '?reportName=' + reportName + '&listToken=' +['ListType1Vars']['ListToken'] + '&ofcCode=' + window.User['OfcCode'] if (print_vars['ExportFmt']) { url = url + '&exportfmt=' + print_vars['ExportFmt'] } switch (print_vars['ExportFmt']) { case '': case 'PDF': break default: location.href = url break } // } async function show_popup(component, width, variable = '', namespace = 'window') { const popupOption = eval(namespace).popupOptions.filter(option => option.Component.includes(component)) if (isEmpty(popupOption)) { return } const modal_class_name = popupOption[0]['ModalClassName']; $(`#modal-select-popup.${modal_class_name} .modal-dialog`).css('max-width', `${width}px`) eval(capitalize(camelCase(modal_class_name))).btn_act_new_callback(variable) $(`#modal-select-popup.${modal_class_name}`).modal('show') } function groupBy (data, key) { return data.reduce(function (carry, el) { var group = el[key]; if (carry[group] === undefined) { carry[group] = [] } carry[group].push(el) return carry }, {}) } function isEmptyObject(obj){ if (obj.constructor === Object && Object.keys(obj).length === 0) return true; return false; } function check_login() { if (isEmpty(window.Member)) { // location.href = '/member-login-broker' return false } return true } function chunk(data = [], size = 1) { const arr = []; for (let i = 0; i < data.length; i += size) { arr.push(data.slice(i, i + size)); } return arr; } function addIdParameter(url, idValue) { const urlObj = new URL(url, window.location.origin); // Assuming a relative URL, we need a base URL for URL parsing const params = urlObj.searchParams; if (!params.has('id')) { params.append('id', idValue); } return urlObj.toString(); }