site.js 11 KB

  1. var googlecaptcha = "";
  2. var isAdditionalScriptLoaded = false;
  3. function showRandomBanner() {
  4. var e = [1, 2];
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  7. function resendotp() {
  8. var e = jQuery("#isd").val(),
  9. t = jQuery("#number").val();
  10. jQuery("#otp").val();
  11. return $("#resendLink").hide(), $("#resendCounter").show(), "" == e || null == e || null == e ? (alert("Invalid Country Code"), !1) : "" == t || null == t || null == t ? (alert("Invalid Mobile Number Code"), !1) : void $.ajax({
  12. type: "POST",
  13. url: "",
  14. data: {
  15. countryCode: e,
  16. mobileNumber: t
  17. },
  18. dataType: "json",
  19. error: function(e, t, o) {
  20. console.log(e), alert("Something bad happens. please reload page.")
  21. },
  22. success: function(e) {
  23. if ("success" === e.status) {
  24. alert(e.message), jQuery("#resendLink").hide();
  25. var t = 19,
  26. o = setInterval(function() {
  27. $("#resendCounter").html("Retry in " + t + " Second"), t--
  28. }, 1e3);
  29. setTimeout(function() {
  30. jQuery("#resendLink").show(), jQuery("#resendCounter").hide(), clearInterval(o)
  31. }, 2e4)
  32. } else alert(e.message)
  33. }
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  88. return !1
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  130. }), r(".card").hover(function() {
  131. r(".card").hasClass("onfocus") && r(".card").removeClass("onfocus")
  132. }), jQuery(".sendotp").click(function() {
  133. if ("" != googlecaptcha) {
  134. var e = {};
  135. e.countryCode = jQuery("#isd").val(), e.mobileNumber = jQuery("#number").val(), e.grecaptcharesponse = googlecaptcha,"", e, function(e) {
  136. if ("success" === e.status) {
  137. jQuery(".otpsend").hide(), jQuery(".otpverify").show(), grecaptcha.reset(), jQuery("#resendLink").hide();
  138. var t = 19,
  139. o = setInterval(function() {
  140. jQuery("#resendCounter").html("Retry in " + t + " Second"), t--
  141. }, 1e3);
  142. setTimeout(function() {
  143. jQuery("#resendCounter").hide(), jQuery("#resendLink").show(), clearInterval(o)
  144. }, 2e4)
  145. } else alert(e.message)
  146. }, "json")
  147. } else alert("Verifcation not done, please check the checkbox")
  148. }), jQuery(".verifyotp").click(function() {
  149. var e = {};
  150. e.countryCode = jQuery("#isd").val(), e.mobileNumber = jQuery("#number").val(), e.otp = jQuery("#otp").val(),"", e, function(e) {
  151. "success" === e.status ? (alert("You are successfully verified"), jQuery(".otpsend").show(), jQuery(".otpverify").hide(), jQuery("#isd").val(""), jQuery("#number").val("")) : alert(data.message)
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  205. // Get SMS Pricing
  206. function getSmsPricing(){
  207. var data={};
  208. data['country']=jQuery('#country3').val();
  209. data['type']=jQuery('#type').val();
  210. data['noOfSMS']=jQuery('#noOfSMS').val();
  211. data['routeType']=jQuery('#type').val() || 4;
  212. data['action']='511';
  213. data['currency']=jQuery('#currency').val();
  214. data['request']='pricing_details';
  215. if (data.noOfSMS >= 500000) {
  216. document.getElementById('get-custom-quote').style.display="block";
  217. document.getElementById('TotalCost').style.display="none";
  218. document.getElementById('main-smscount').style.display="none";
  219. return;
  220. }
  221. else {
  222. try{
  223. document.getElementById('get-custom-quote').style.display="none";
  224. document.getElementById('TotalCost').style.display="block";
  225. document.getElementById('main-smscount').style.display="block";
  226. }catch(err){
  227. }
  228. }
  229. try{
  230. jQuery.get(pricing_url,data,function(result){
  231. var obj = result;
  232. var array = $.map(obj , function(value, index) {
  233. return [value];
  234. });
  235. jQuery('.rcost').html(result.amountPerSms + '/');
  236. jQuery('.tcost').text(result.totalAmount);
  237. }, 'jsonp')
  238. }catch(err){
  239. }
  240. };
  241. getSmsPricing();
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  243. jQuery('.inputid').on('keyup, keydown', function(){
  244. setTimeout(function(){ getSmsPricing(); }, 300);
  245. // jQuery('#noOfSMS').val(jQuery('#noOfSMS').val().substr(0, 11));
  246. });
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  248. setTimeout(function(){ getSmsPricing(); }, 300);
  249. });
  250. jQuery('.types li, .currencys li').on('click', function(){
  251. setTimeout(function(){ getSmsPricing(); }, 300);
  252. });
  253. getSmsPricing();
  254. })