callApiService = $callApiService; $this->messageSendService = $messageSendService; } public function getSetup() { return $this->callApiService->callApi([ 'url' => 'setup-get', 'data' => [ 'SetupCode' => 'contact-us', 'BrandCode' => 'main', 'LangType' => getLocale() ] ]); } public function index($id=null) { $query = "post_type_id = 58"; $limit = (int)request('limit', 12); $page = (int)request('page', 1); if($id != null){ $query .= " and = '$id'"; } // dd($query); // api 호출 request $contactUsCustomList = $this->callApiService->callApi([ 'url' => 'post-page', 'data' => [ 'PageVars' => [ 'Query' => $query, 'Desc' => 'created_on', 'Limit' => $limit, 'Offset' => ($page - 1) * $limit ] ] ]); // date 포맷 변경 if (isset($contactUsCustomList['Page']) && !empty($contactUsCustomList['Page'])) { foreach ($contactUsCustomList['Page'] as &$contactUsCustom) { if (isset($contactUsCustom['OfficialDate'])) { $OfficialDate = DateTime::createFromFormat('Ymd', $contactUsCustom['OfficialDate']); $date = $OfficialDate->format('Y.m.d'); $contactUsCustom['date'] = $date; } if(isset($contactUsCustom['Pc1'])){ $Pc1Length = mb_strlen($contactUsCustom['Pc1'], 'UTF-8'); if($Pc1Length > 2){ $contactUsCustom['maskedName'] = mb_substr($contactUsCustom['Pc1'], 0, $Pc1Length - 2, 'UTF-8') . 'OO'; }else{ $contactUsCustom['maskedName'] = mb_substr($contactUsCustom['Pc1'], 0, $Pc1Length - 1, 'UTF-8') . 'O'; } } } } // dd($contactUsCustomList); if ($this->callApiService->verifyApiError($contactUsCustomList)) { notify()->error($contactUsCustomList['body'], 'Error', 'bottomRight'); return redirect()->back(); } // pagenation $totalcnt = $contactUsCustomList['PageVars']['QueryCnt']; $contactUsCustomItems['Page'] = new LengthAwarePaginator( $contactUsCustomList['Page'], $totalcnt, $limit, $page, ['path' => request()->url()] ); return view('', compact('contactUsCustomList', 'contactUsCustomItems')); } public function show($siseType = null, $postTitle = null) { if (is_null($postTitle) && !is_null($siseType)) { $postTitle = $siseType; $siseType = null; } $limit = (int)request('limit', 10); $page = (int)request('page', 1); $policyPage = $this->callApiService->callApi([ 'url' => 'simple-join-page', 'data' => [ 'QueryVars' => [ 'QueryName' => 'post-member-user', 'SimpleFilter' => "post_type_id = 12 and mx.status = '0'" ], 'PageVars' => [ 'Desc' => 'Id', 'Limit' => $limit, 'Offset' => ($page - 1) * $limit ] ] ]); $policy = $policyPage['Page'][0]; if (empty($policy)) { notify()->error(__('개인정보 보호정책이 존재하지 않습니다'), 'Error', 'bottomRight'); return redirect()->back(); } if (empty($policy['PostSlug'])) { $key = $policy['Id']; } else { $key = $policy['PostSlug']; } return view('', [ 'siseType' => $siseType, 'postTitle' => $postTitle, ], compact('policy', 'policy')); } public function store() { $rules = [ 'captcha' => 'required|captcha', 'Pc2' => 'required|regex:/^010(?:-?\d{4}){2}$/', ]; $validator = validator()->make(request()->all(), $rules); if ($validator->fails()) { notify()->error('보안 체크 숫자 입력이 틀렸습니다. 다시 올바르게 입력해서 문의하기 해주세요', 'Error', 'bottomRight'); return redirect()->to('/contactus-custom')->withInput(); } $request = array_merge([ 'Id' => 0, 'PostTypeId' => 58, 'Status' => '2', 'MemberId' => session('member')['MemberId'] ?? 0, ], request()->all()); $response = $this->callApiService->callApi([ 'url' => 'post-act', 'data' => [ 'Page' => [ $request ] ], ]); if ($this->callApiService->verifyApiError($response)) { notify()->error($response['body'], 'Error', 'bottomRight'); return redirect()->route('index')->withInput(); } $redirectTo = redirect()->to('/'); $contactUs = $this->getSetup(); $contactUs['Fields'] = [ [ 'Name' => 'Pc1', 'Caption' => '신청자 이름' ], [ 'Name' => 'Pc2', 'Caption' => '연락처' ], [ 'Name' => 'Pc3', 'Caption' => '거래 구분' ], [ 'Name' => 'Pc4', 'Caption' => '회원권 구분' ], [ 'Name' => 'Pc5', 'Caption' => '회원권명' ], [ 'Name' => 'Pc6', 'Caption' => '희망 가격' ], [ 'Name' => 'Pt1', 'Caption' => '요청 사항' ], [ 'Name' => 'Pc7', 'Caption' => '상태' ], ]; $msg = '[kbgolf] 고객지원 요청내용입니다.\n'; foreach($contactUs['Fields'] ?? [] as $fields) { $msg .= $fields['Caption'] . ': ' . $request[$fields['Name']] . '\n'; } if ($contactUs['OkMobile']) { $toMobiles = preg_replace('/\s+/', '', explode(',', $contactUs['ToMobile'])); foreach($toMobiles ?? [] as $toMobile) { $this->messageSendService->send($msg, $msg, $toMobile); } } $toMails = preg_replace('/\s+/', '', explode(',', $contactUs['ToMail'])); foreach($toMails ?? [] as $toMail) { \Mail::send('', ['request' => $request, 'contactUs' => $contactUs], function ($message) use ($toMail) { $message->to($toMail); $message->subject('[kbgolf] 고객지원 요청내용입니다.'); } ); } notify()->success('성공적으로 문의하였습니다', 'Success', 'bottomRight'); return $redirectTo; } }