callApiService = $callApiService; $this->Agent = new Agent(); } public function postTypePage($postCode) { return $this->callApiService->callApi([ 'url' => 'list-type1-page', 'data' => [ 'QueryVars' => [ 'QueryName' => 'post/post-type-input', 'SimpleFilter' => "post_code='$postCode'", 'IsntPagination' => true, ], 'PageVars' => [ 'Limit' => 1 ] ] ]); } public function list($postCode) { $postType = $this->postTypePage($postCode)['Page'][0]; $design = $postType['T1']; $design = json_decode($design, true)['Design']; $p = request('p'); // dd($p); $page = (int)request('page', 1); $limit = 12; if ($design) { if ($design['PcTitleLeng'] === 0 || $design['MoTitleLeng'] === 0 || $design['PcPageLeng'] === 0 || $design['MoPageLeng'] === 0) { notify()->error('관리자 게시판 구분페이지에서 게시판 디자인 설정을 해주세요', 'Error', 'bottomRight'); return redirect()->to('/'); } if ($this->Agent->isDesktop()) { $limit = (int)request('limit', $design['PcPageLeng']); } else { $limit = (int)request('limit', $design['MoPageLeng']); } } $simpleFilter = "post_code='$postCode' and mx.status = '1'"; if ($p) { $simpleFilter = $simpleFilter . "and (post_title LIKE '%$p%' or post_contents LIKE '%$p%')"; } $listType1Book = $this->callApiService->callApi([ 'url' => 'list-type1-book', 'data' => [ 'Book' => [ [ 'QueryVars' => [ 'QueryName' => 'pro:my-page/post-list', 'SimpleFilter' => $simpleFilter, 'SubSimpleFilter' => "image_type = 'middle'", 'IsntPagination' => false ], 'ListType1Vars' => [ 'OrderBy' => request('sort', 'mx.created_on desc') ], 'PageVars' => [ 'Limit' => $limit, 'Offset' => ($page - 1) * $limit ] ], ] ] ]); // dd($listType1Book); if ($this->callApiService->verifyApiError($listType1Book)) { notify()->error($listType1Book['body'], 'Error', 'bottomRight'); return redirect()->back(); } $postPage = $listType1Book['Book'][0] ?? []; if ($design) { $postPage['Page'] = collect($postPage['Page'])->map(function ($post) use ($design) { if ($this->Agent->isDesktop()) { $post['Title'] = Str::limit($post['C6'], $design['PcTitleLeng'], '...'); } else { $post['Title'] = Str::limit($post['C6'], $design['MoTitleLeng'], '...'); } $post['PcGalleryClass'] = 'col-md-' . (12 / $design['PcGalleryLeng']); $post['MoGalleryClass'] = 'col-' . (12 / $design['MoGalleryLeng']); $post['PcVideoClass'] = 'col-md-' . (12 / $design['PcVideoLeng']); $post['MoVideoClass'] = 'col-' . (12 / $design['MoVideoLeng']); return $post; })->toArray(); } $postPage['Page'] = new LengthAwarePaginator($postPage['Page'], $postPage['PageVars']['QueryCnt'], $limit, $page, ['path' => request()->url()]); // dd($postType); // dd($postPage); return view('views.bbs.list', compact('postPage', 'postType', 'postCode', 'design')); } public function details($postCode, $slug) { $limit = (int)request('limit', 3); $page = (int)request('page', 1); $post = $this->postPick(['PostSlug' => $slug]); $postId = $post['Id']; $postTypeId = $post['PostTypeId']; // $postType = $this->postTypePick(['Id' => (int)$postTypeId]); // dump($postCode); // dd($slug); $listType1Book = $this->callApiService->callApi([ 'url' => 'list-type1-book', 'data' => [ 'Book' => [ [ 'QueryVars' => [ 'QueryName' => 'pro:my-page/post-details', 'SimpleFilter' => "post_code = '$postCode' and = $postId", 'SubSimpleFilter' => "image_type = 'big'", 'IsntPagination' => true, ], 'PageVars' => [ 'Limit' => 1 ] ], [ 'QueryVars' => [ 'QueryName' => 'pro:my-page/post-details-prenext', 'SimpleFilter' => " = (select max(id) from pro_post where id < $postId and post_type_id = $postTypeId)", 'SubSimpleFilter' => "", 'IsntPagination' => true, ], 'PageVars' => [ 'Limit' => 1 ] ], [ 'QueryVars' => [ 'QueryName' => 'pro:my-page/post-details-prenext', 'SimpleFilter' => " = (select min(id) from pro_post where id > $postId and post_type_id = $postTypeId)", 'SubSimpleFilter' => "", 'IsntPagination' => true, ], 'PageVars' => [ 'Limit' => 1 ] ], [ 'QueryVars' => [ 'QueryName' => 'post/post-type-input', 'SimpleFilter' => " = $postTypeId", 'IsntPagination' => true, ], 'PageVars' => [ 'Limit' => 1 ] ], [ 'QueryVars' => [ 'QueryName' => 'post/post-type-input', 'SimpleFilter' => "post_code='$postCode'", 'IsntPagination' => true, ], 'PageVars' => [ 'Limit' => 1 ] ], [ 'QueryVars' => [ 'QueryName' => 'post/blog-bd-list-std', 'SimpleFilter' => "mx.post_id = {$postId} and mx.parent_id = 0", ], 'ListType1Vars' => [ 'OrderBy' => '' ], 'PageVars' => [ 'Limit' => $limit, 'Offset' => ($page - 1) * $limit ] ], [ 'QueryVars' => [ 'QueryName' => 'post/blog-bd-list-std', 'SimpleFilter' => "mx.post_id = {$postId} and mx.parent_id != 0", ], 'ListType1Vars' => [ 'OrderBy' => '' ], 'PageVars' => [ 'Limit' => 100, 'Offset' => 0 ] ] ] ] ]); // dd($listType1Book); if ($this->callApiService->verifyApiError($listType1Book)) { notify()->error($listType1Book['body'], 'Error', 'bottomRight'); return redirect()->back(); } $post = $listType1Book['Book'][0]['Page'][0]; $prePost = $listType1Book['Book'][1]['Page']; $nextPost = $listType1Book['Book'][2]['Page']; $postType = $listType1Book['Book'][4]['Page'][0]; $comments = $listType1Book['Book'][5]['Page']; $replays = $listType1Book['Book'][6]['Page']; $comments = ResponseConverter::joinFor($comments, $replays, 'C5', 'Id', 'ReplyPage'); $comments = new LengthAwarePaginator($comments, $listType1Book['Book'][5]['PageVars']['QueryCnt'], $limit, $page, ['path' => request()->url()]); return view('views.bbs.details', compact('post', 'prePost', 'nextPost', 'postCode', 'postType', 'comments')); } public function comment() { $response = $this->callApiService->callApi([ 'url' => 'post-bd-act', 'data' => [ 'Page' => [ [ 'Id' => 0, 'PostId' => (int)request('post_id'), 'BdContents' => request('bd_contents'), 'ParentId' => (int)request('parent_id'), 'SeqNo' => (int)request('seq_no'), 'ChildLastSeq' => (int)request('child_last_seq'), ] ], ] ]); if ($this->callApiService->verifyApiError($response)) { notify()->error($response['body'], 'Error', 'bottomRight'); return redirect()->back(); } notify()->success(_e('Action completed'), 'Success', 'bottomRight'); return redirect()->back(); } public function postPick($page) { $postPick = $this->callApiService->callApi([ 'url' => 'post-pick', 'data' => [ 'Page' => [ $page ], ] ]); return $postPick['Page'][0]; } }