/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ * * # Custom color system * * Custom color system styles, includes background, border and text colors * * ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ * * # Global configuration * * Here you can change main theme, enable or disable certain components and * optional styles. This allows you to include only components that you need. * * 'true' - enables component and includes it to main CSS file. * 'false' - disables component and excludes it from main CSS file. * * Layout helper: @if $layout == 'base' {...} * Theme helper: @if $theme == 'material' {...} * Component helper: @if $enable-* {...} * * ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ * * # Custom Limitless functions * * Utility mixins and functions for evalutating source code across our variables, maps, and mixins. * * ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ * * # Custom template mixins * * All custom mixins are prefixed with "ll-" to avoid conflicts * * ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ * * # Main colors * * List of the template main color palettes * * ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ * * # Default Bootstrap variable overrides * * Variables should follow the `$component-state-property-size` formula for * consistent naming. Ex: $nav-link-disabled-color and $modal-content-box-shadow-xs. * Also includes custom variables, all marked with "!default" flag. * * ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ * * # Additional variables * * Mainly 3rd party libraries and additional variables for default * Bootstrap components. * * ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ * * # Mixins * * Import Bootstrap mixins with overrides * * ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ * * # Badge mixin * * Override and extend default badge mixin. * * ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ * * # Forms mixin * * Override and extend default forms mixin. * * ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ * * # Buttons mixin * * Override and extend default buttons mixin. * * ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ * * # Caret mixin * * Override and extend default cared mixin. * * ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ * * # Background mixin * * Override and extend default background mixin. * * ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ * * # Custom color system * * Custom color system styles. Includes background, border and text colors * * ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ .btn-steelblue { color: #fff !important; background-color: #2068b8 !important; border-color: #2068b8 !important; } .text-steelblue { color: #2068b8 !important; } .bg-steelblue { background-color: #2068b8 !important; } .border-steelblue { border-color: #2068b8 !important; } .btn-skyblue { color: #fff !important; background-color: #92bfda !important; border-color: #92bfda !important; } .btn-skyblue:hover { color: #fff !important; background-color: #2068b8 !important; border-color: #2068b8 !important; } .text-skyblue { color: #92bfda !important; } .bg-skyblue { background-color: #92bfda !important; } .border-skyblue { border-color: #92bfda !important; } .btn-dangnn { color: #fff !important; background-color: #ff661b !important; border-color: #ff661b !important; } .text-dangnn { color: #ff661b !important; } .bg-dangnn { background-color: #ff661b !important; } .border-dangnn { border-color: #ff661b !important; } .alpha-primary { background-color: #E3F2FD; } .text-primary { color: #2196F3; } .text-primary[href]:hover, .text-primary[href]:focus { color: #0c83e2; } .bg-primary { background-color: #2196F3; } .border-primary { border-color: #2196F3; } .border-top-primary { border-top-color: #2196F3; } .border-bottom-primary { border-bottom-color: #2196F3; } .border-left-primary { border-left-color: #2196F3; } .border-right-primary { border-right-color: #2196F3; } .text-primary-300 { color: #64B5F6; } .text-primary-300[href]:hover, .text-primary-300[href]:focus { color: #40a4f4; } .bg-primary-300 { background-color: #64B5F6; } .border-primary-300 { border-color: #64B5F6; } .border-top-primary-300 { border-top-color: #64B5F6; } .border-bottom-primary-300 { border-bottom-color: #64B5F6; } .border-left-primary-300 { border-left-color: #64B5F6; } .border-right-primary-300 { border-right-color: #64B5F6; } .text-primary-400 { color: #42A5F5; } .text-primary-400[href]:hover, .text-primary-400[href]:focus { color: #1e94f3; } .bg-primary-400 { background-color: #42A5F5; } .border-primary-400 { border-color: #42A5F5; } .border-top-primary-400 { border-top-color: #42A5F5; } .border-bottom-primary-400 { border-bottom-color: #42A5F5; } .border-left-primary-400 { border-left-color: #42A5F5; } .border-right-primary-400 { border-right-color: #42A5F5; } .text-primary-600 { color: #1E88E5; } .text-primary-600[href]:hover, .text-primary-600[href]:focus { color: #1774c6; } .bg-primary-600 { background-color: #1E88E5; } .border-primary-600 { border-color: #1E88E5; } .border-top-primary-600 { border-top-color: #1E88E5; } .border-bottom-primary-600 { border-bottom-color: #1E88E5; } .border-left-primary-600 { border-left-color: #1E88E5; } .border-right-primary-600 { border-right-color: #1E88E5; } .text-primary-700 { color: #1976D2; } .text-primary-700[href]:hover, .text-primary-700[href]:focus { color: #1563b0; } .bg-primary-700 { background-color: #1976D2; } .border-primary-700 { border-color: #1976D2; } .border-top-primary-700 { border-top-color: #1976D2; } .border-bottom-primary-700 { border-bottom-color: #1976D2; } .border-left-primary-700 { border-left-color: #1976D2; } .border-right-primary-700 { border-right-color: #1976D2; } .text-primary-800 { color: #1565C0; } .text-primary-800[href]:hover, .text-primary-800[href]:focus { color: #11539e; } .bg-primary-800 { background-color: #1565C0; } .border-primary-800 { border-color: #1565C0; } .border-top-primary-800 { border-top-color: #1565C0; } .border-bottom-primary-800 { border-bottom-color: #1565C0; } .border-left-primary-800 { border-left-color: #1565C0; } .border-right-primary-800 { border-right-color: #1565C0; } .alpha-danger { background-color: #FFEBEE; } .text-danger { color: #F44336; } .text-danger[href]:hover, .text-danger[href]:focus { color: #f22112; } .bg-danger { background-color: #F44336; } .border-danger { border-color: #F44336; } .border-top-danger { border-top-color: #F44336; } .border-bottom-danger { border-bottom-color: #F44336; } .border-left-danger { border-left-color: #F44336; } .border-right-danger { border-right-color: #F44336; } .text-danger-300 { color: #E57373; } .text-danger-300[href]:hover, .text-danger-300[href]:focus { color: #df5353; } .bg-danger-300 { background-color: #E57373; } .border-danger-300 { border-color: #E57373; } .border-top-danger-300 { border-top-color: #E57373; } .border-bottom-danger-300 { border-bottom-color: #E57373; } .border-left-danger-300 { border-left-color: #E57373; } .border-right-danger-300 { border-right-color: #E57373; } .text-danger-400 { color: #EF5350; } .text-danger-400[href]:hover, .text-danger-400[href]:focus { color: #ec312d; } .bg-danger-400 { background-color: #EF5350 !important; } .border-danger-400 { border-color: #EF5350 !important; } .bg-danger-400-hover:hover { background:#E57373 !important; } .bg-danger-10 { background-color: #ff8012 !important; } .border-danger-10 { border-color: #ff8012 !important; } .bg-danger-10-hover:hover { background:#E57373 !important; } .border-top-danger-400 { border-top-color: #EF5350; } .border-bottom-danger-400 { border-bottom-color: #EF5350; } .border-left-danger-400 { border-left-color: #EF5350; } .border-right-danger-400 { border-right-color: #EF5350; } .text-danger-600 { color: #E53935; } .text-danger-600[href]:hover, .text-danger-600[href]:focus { color: #d8201c; } .bg-danger-600 { background-color: #E53935; } .border-danger-600 { border-color: #E53935; } .border-top-danger-600 { border-top-color: #E53935; } .border-bottom-danger-600 { border-bottom-color: #E53935; } .border-left-danger-600 { border-left-color: #E53935; } .border-right-danger-600 { border-right-color: #E53935; } .text-danger-700 { color: #D32F2F; } .text-danger-700[href]:hover, .text-danger-700[href]:focus { color: #b52626; } .bg-danger-700 { background-color: #D32F2F; } .border-danger-700 { border-color: #D32F2F; } .border-top-danger-700 { border-top-color: #D32F2F; } .border-bottom-danger-700 { border-bottom-color: #D32F2F; } .border-left-danger-700 { border-left-color: #D32F2F; } .border-right-danger-700 { border-right-color: #D32F2F; } .text-danger-800 { color: #C62828; } .text-danger-800[href]:hover, .text-danger-800[href]:focus { color: #a62222; } .bg-danger-800 { background-color: #C62828; } .border-danger-800 { border-color: #C62828; } .border-top-danger-800 { border-top-color: #C62828; } .border-bottom-danger-800 { border-bottom-color: #C62828; } .border-left-danger-800 { border-left-color: #C62828; } .border-right-danger-800 { border-right-color: #C62828; } .alpha-success { background-color: #E8F5E9; } .text-success { color: #4CAF50; } .text-success[href]:hover, .text-success[href]:focus { color: #409444; } .bg-success { background-color: #4CAF50; } .border-success { border-color: #4CAF50; } .border-top-success { border-top-color: #4CAF50; } .border-bottom-success { border-bottom-color: #4CAF50; } .border-left-success { border-left-color: #4CAF50; } .border-right-success { border-right-color: #4CAF50; } .text-success-300 { color: #81C784; } .text-success-300[href]:hover, .text-success-300[href]:focus { color: #67bb6a; } .bg-success-300 { background-color: #81C784; } .border-success-300 { border-color: #81C784; } .border-top-success-300 { border-top-color: #81C784; } .border-bottom-success-300 { border-bottom-color: #81C784; } .border-left-success-300 { border-left-color: #81C784; } .border-right-success-300 { border-right-color: #81C784; } .text-success-400 { color: #66BB6A; } .text-success-400[href]:hover, .text-success-400[href]:focus { color: #4dae52; } .bg-success-400 { background-color: #66BB6A; } .border-success-400 { border-color: #66BB6A; } .border-top-success-400 { border-top-color: #66BB6A; } .border-bottom-success-400 { border-bottom-color: #66BB6A; } .border-left-success-400 { border-left-color: #66BB6A; } .border-right-success-400 { border-right-color: #66BB6A; } .text-success-600 { color: #43A047; } .text-success-600[href]:hover, .text-success-600[href]:focus { color: #38853b; } .bg-success-600 { background-color: #43A047; } .border-success-600 { border-color: #43A047; } .border-top-success-600 { border-top-color: #43A047; } .border-bottom-success-600 { border-bottom-color: #43A047; } .border-left-success-600 { border-left-color: #43A047; } .border-right-success-600 { border-right-color: #43A047; } .text-success-700 { color: #388E3C; } .text-success-700[href]:hover, .text-success-700[href]:focus { color: #2d7330; } .bg-success-700 { background-color: #388E3C; } .border-success-700 { border-color: #388E3C; } .border-top-success-700 { border-top-color: #388E3C; } .border-bottom-success-700 { border-bottom-color: #388E3C; } .border-left-success-700 { border-left-color: #388E3C; } .border-right-success-700 { border-right-color: #388E3C; } .text-success-800 { color: #2E7D32; } .text-success-800[href]:hover, .text-success-800[href]:focus { color: #246127; } .bg-success-800 { background-color: #2E7D32; } .border-success-800 { border-color: #2E7D32; } .border-top-success-800 { border-top-color: #2E7D32; } .border-bottom-success-800 { border-bottom-color: #2E7D32; } .border-left-success-800 { border-left-color: #2E7D32; } .border-right-success-800 { border-right-color: #2E7D32; } .alpha-warning { background-color: #FBE9E7; } .text-warning { color: #FF5722; } .text-warning[href]:hover, .text-warning[href]:focus { color: #fb3c00; } .bg-warning { background-color: #FF5722; } .border-warning { border-color: #FF5722; } .border-top-warning { border-top-color: #FF5722; } .border-bottom-warning { border-bottom-color: #FF5722; } .border-left-warning { border-left-color: #FF5722; } .border-right-warning { border-right-color: #FF5722; } .text-warning-300 { color: #FF8A65; } .text-warning-300[href]:hover, .text-warning-300[href]:focus { color: #ff6d3f; } .bg-warning-300 { background-color: #FF8A65 !important; } .border-warning-300 { border-color: #FF8A65 !important; } .bg-warning-300-hover:hover { background-color: #F4511E !important; border-color: #F4511E !important; } .border-top-warning-300 { border-top-color: #FF8A65; } .border-bottom-warning-300 { border-bottom-color: #FF8A65; } .border-left-warning-300 { border-left-color: #FF8A65; } .border-right-warning-300 { border-right-color: #FF8A65; } .text-warning-400 { color: #FF7043; } .text-warning-400[href]:hover, .text-warning-400[href]:focus { color: #ff531d; } .bg-warning-400 { background-color: #FF7043; } .border-warning-400 { border-color: #FF7043; } .border-top-warning-400 { border-top-color: #FF7043; } .border-bottom-warning-400 { border-bottom-color: #FF7043; } .border-left-warning-400 { border-left-color: #FF7043; } .border-right-warning-400 { border-right-color: #FF7043; } .text-warning-600 { color: #F4511E; } .text-warning-600[href]:hover, .text-warning-600[href]:focus { color: #e13e0b; } .bg-warning-600 { background-color: #F4511E; } .border-warning-600 { border-color: #F4511E; } .border-top-warning-600 { border-top-color: #F4511E; } .border-bottom-warning-600 { border-bottom-color: #F4511E; } .border-left-warning-600 { border-left-color: #F4511E; } .border-right-warning-600 { border-right-color: #F4511E; } .text-warning-700 { color: #E64A19; } .text-warning-700[href]:hover, .text-warning-700[href]:focus { color: #c43f15; } .bg-warning-700 { background-color: #E64A19; } .border-warning-700 { border-color: #E64A19; } .border-top-warning-700 { border-top-color: #E64A19; } .border-bottom-warning-700 { border-bottom-color: #E64A19; } .border-left-warning-700 { border-left-color: #E64A19; } .border-right-warning-700 { border-right-color: #E64A19; } .text-warning-800 { color: #D84315; } .text-warning-800[href]:hover, .text-warning-800[href]:focus { color: #b53812; } .bg-warning-800 { background-color: #D84315; } .border-warning-800 { border-color: #D84315; } .border-top-warning-800 { border-top-color: #D84315; } .border-bottom-warning-800 { border-bottom-color: #D84315; } .border-left-warning-800 { border-left-color: #D84315; } .border-right-warning-800 { border-right-color: #D84315; } .alpha-info { background-color: #E0F7FA; } .text-info { color: #00BCD4; } .text-info[href]:hover, .text-info[href]:focus { color: #009aae; } .bg-info { background-color: #00BCD4; } .border-info { border-color: #00BCD4; } .border-top-info { border-top-color: #00BCD4; } .border-bottom-info { border-bottom-color: #00BCD4; } .border-left-info { border-left-color: #00BCD4; } .border-right-info { border-right-color: #00BCD4; } .text-info-300 { color: #4DD0E1; } .text-info-300[href]:hover, .text-info-300[href]:focus { color: #2cc7db; } .bg-info-300 { background-color: #4DD0E1; } .border-info-300 { border-color: #4DD0E1; } .border-top-info-300 { border-top-color: #4DD0E1; } .border-bottom-info-300 { border-bottom-color: #4DD0E1; } .border-left-info-300 { border-left-color: #4DD0E1; } .border-right-info-300 { border-right-color: #4DD0E1; } .text-info-400 { color: #26C6DA; } .text-info-400[href]:hover, .text-info-400[href]:focus { color: #20a9ba; } .bg-info-400 { background-color: #26C6DA !important; } .border-info-400 { border-color: #26C6DA !important; } .border-top-info-400 { border-top-color: #26C6DA; } .border-bottom-info-400 { border-bottom-color: #26C6DA; } .border-left-info-400 { border-left-color: #26C6DA; } .border-right-info-400 { border-right-color: #26C6DA; } .text-info-600 { color: #00ACC1; } .text-info-600[href]:hover, .text-info-600[href]:focus { color: #008a9b; } .bg-info-600 { background-color: #00ACC1; } .border-info-600 { border-color: #00ACC1; } .border-top-info-600 { border-top-color: #00ACC1; } .border-bottom-info-600 { border-bottom-color: #00ACC1; } .border-left-info-600 { border-left-color: #00ACC1; } .border-right-info-600 { border-right-color: #00ACC1; } .text-info-700 { color: #0097A7; } .text-info-700[href]:hover, .text-info-700[href]:focus { color: #007481; } .bg-info-700 { background-color: #0097A7; } .border-info-700 { border-color: #0097A7; } .border-top-info-700 { border-top-color: #0097A7; } .border-bottom-info-700 { border-bottom-color: #0097A7; } .border-left-info-700 { border-left-color: #0097A7; } .border-right-info-700 { border-right-color: #0097A7; } .text-info-800 { color: #00838F; } .text-info-800[href]:hover, .text-info-800[href]:focus { color: #006069; } .bg-info-800 { background-color: #00838F; } .border-info-800 { border-color: #00838F; } .border-top-info-800 { border-top-color: #00838F; } .border-bottom-info-800 { border-bottom-color: #00838F; } .border-left-info-800 { border-left-color: #00838F; } .border-right-info-800 { border-right-color: #00838F; } .alpha-pink { background-color: #FCE4EC; } .text-pink { color: #E91E63; } .text-pink[href]:hover, .text-pink[href]:focus { color: #cd1453; } .bg-pink { background-color: #E91E63; } .border-pink { border-color: #E91E63; } .border-top-pink { border-top-color: #E91E63; } .border-bottom-pink { border-bottom-color: #E91E63; } .border-left-pink { border-left-color: #E91E63; } .border-right-pink { border-right-color: #E91E63; } .text-pink-300 { color: #F06292; } .text-pink-300[href]:hover, .text-pink-300[href]:focus { color: #ed3f7a; } .bg-pink-300 { background-color: #F06292; } .border-pink-300 { border-color: #F06292; } .border-top-pink-300 { border-top-color: #F06292; } .border-bottom-pink-300 { border-bottom-color: #F06292; } .border-left-pink-300 { border-left-color: #F06292; } .border-right-pink-300 { border-right-color: #F06292; } .text-pink-400 { color: #EC407A; } .text-pink-400[href]:hover, .text-pink-400[href]:focus { color: #e91d62; } .bg-pink-400 { background-color: #EC407A; } .border-pink-400 { border-color: #EC407A; } .border-top-pink-400 { border-top-color: #EC407A; } .border-bottom-pink-400 { border-bottom-color: #EC407A; } .border-left-pink-400 { border-left-color: #EC407A; } .border-right-pink-400 { border-right-color: #EC407A; } .text-pink-600 { color: #D81B60; } .text-pink-600[href]:hover, .text-pink-600[href]:focus { color: #b61751; } .bg-pink-600 { background-color: #D81B60; } .border-pink-600 { border-color: #D81B60; } .border-top-pink-600 { border-top-color: #D81B60; } .border-bottom-pink-600 { border-bottom-color: #D81B60; } .border-left-pink-600 { border-left-color: #D81B60; } .border-right-pink-600 { border-right-color: #D81B60; } .text-pink-700 { color: #C2185B; } .text-pink-700[href]:hover, .text-pink-700[href]:focus { color: #a0144b; } .bg-pink-700 { background-color: #C2185B; } .border-pink-700 { border-color: #C2185B; } .border-top-pink-700 { border-top-color: #C2185B; } .border-bottom-pink-700 { border-bottom-color: #C2185B; } .border-left-pink-700 { border-left-color: #C2185B; } .border-right-pink-700 { border-right-color: #C2185B; } .text-pink-800 { color: #AD1457; } .text-pink-800[href]:hover, .text-pink-800[href]:focus { color: #8b1046; } .bg-pink-800 { background-color: #AD1457; } .border-pink-800 { border-color: #AD1457; } .border-top-pink-800 { border-top-color: #AD1457; } .border-bottom-pink-800 { border-bottom-color: #AD1457; } .border-left-pink-800 { border-left-color: #AD1457; } .border-right-pink-800 { border-right-color: #AD1457; } .alpha-violet { background-color: #F3E5F5; } .text-violet { color: #9C27B0; } .text-violet[href]:hover, .text-violet[href]:focus { color: #802091; } .bg-violet { background-color: #9C27B0; } .border-violet { border-color: #9C27B0; } .border-top-violet { border-top-color: #9C27B0; } .border-bottom-violet { border-bottom-color: #9C27B0; } .border-left-violet { border-left-color: #9C27B0; } .border-right-violet { border-right-color: #9C27B0; } .text-violet-300 { color: #BA68C8; } .text-violet-300[href]:hover, .text-violet-300[href]:focus { color: #ad4cbe; } .bg-violet-300 { background-color: #BA68C8 !important; } .border-violet-300 { border-color: #BA68C8 !important; } .border-top-violet-300 { border-top-color: #BA68C8; } .border-bottom-violet-300 { border-bottom-color: #BA68C8; } .border-left-violet-300 { border-left-color: #BA68C8; } .border-right-violet-300 { border-right-color: #BA68C8; } .text-violet-400 { color: #AB47BC; } .text-violet-400[href]:hover, .text-violet-400[href]:focus { color: #933ba2; } .bg-violet-400 { background-color: #AB47BC; } .border-violet-400 { border-color: #AB47BC; } .border-top-violet-400 { border-top-color: #AB47BC; } .border-bottom-violet-400 { border-bottom-color: #AB47BC; } .border-left-violet-400 { border-left-color: #AB47BC; } .border-right-violet-400 { border-right-color: #AB47BC; 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