pl1_stock_io_ledger_detail-bf-turbo.sql 4.2 KB

  1. truncate table dbt_list_type1;
  2. truncate table dbt_list_sum;
  3. drop procedure if exists pl1_stock_io_ledger_detail;
  5. create procedure pl1_stock_io_ledger_detail( _listToken varchar(21), _sdate varchar(8), _edate varchar(8),
  6. _s1 varchar(32), _e1 varchar(32), _s2 varchar(32), _e2 varchar(32),
  7. _s3 varchar(32), _e3 varchar(32), _s4 varchar(32), _e4 varchar(32),
  8. _where varchar(386), _having varchar(386), _orderby varchar(64),
  9. _branch int, _storage int, _target int)
  11. BEGIN
  12. Declare _sbal_date varchar(8);
  13. Declare _ebal_date varchar(8);
  14. Declare _first_bal decimal(20,4);
  15. Declare _first_bad_bal decimal(20,4);
  16. Declare _first_bal_caption varchar(20);
  17. -- Declare _first_id int;
  18. -- Declare _last_id int;
  19. Declare _line_id int;
  20. Declare _line_badstk_status varchar(64);
  21. Declare _line_in decimal(20,4) default "0.0000";
  22. Declare _line_out decimal(20,4) default "0.0000";
  23. Declare _line_bal decimal(20,4) default "0.0000";
  24. Declare _line_bad_bal decimal(20,4) default "0.0000";
  25. Declare _in_sum decimal(20,4) default "0.0000";
  26. Declare _out_sum decimal(20,4) default "0.0000";
  27. Declare _company_name varchar(64);
  28. Declare _item_code varchar(21);
  29. Declare _item_sub_name varchar(128);
  30. Declare _not_found boolean;
  31. Declare _line_cur cursor for -- c5:badstk_status
  32. select t_id, c5, d2, d3 from dbt_list_type1 where list_token = _listToken
  33. order by order_by asc;
  34. Declare continue handler for
  35. not found set _not_found = true;
  36. if _is_first_date(_sdate) then
  37. set _sbal_date = '19000101';
  38. set _ebal_date = '19000101';
  39. else
  40. set _sbal_date = _sdate;
  41. set _ebal_date = _edate;
  42. end if;
  43. -- insert for first_bal
  44. select ifnull(last_mbal.bal_qty,0) + ifnull(stk_bal.io_qty,0) ,
  45. ifnull(last_mbal.bad_bal_qty,0) + ifnull(stk_bal.bad_io_qty,0) ,'이월재고'
  46. into _first_bal, _first_bad_bal, _first_bal_caption
  47. from
  48. dbr_item as mxv
  49. left join
  50. ( select item_id, bal_qty, bad_bal_qty
  51. from dbr_bal_item
  52. where yyyy_mm = _prev_month(_sdate) and storage_id = _storage
  53. ) as last_mbal
  54. on = last_mbal.item_id
  55. left join
  56. ( select stk.item_id, sum(io_qty*stock_status) AS io_qty, sum(io_qty*badstk_status) AS bad_io_qty
  57. from dbr_stock_io as stk
  58. inner join dbr_deal_type as deal on = stk.deal_type_id
  59. where io_date between _first_date(_sbal_date) and _prev_date(_ebal_date)
  60. and storage_id = _storage
  61. group by stk.item_id
  62. ) as stk_bal
  63. on = stk_bal.item_id
  64. where = _target;
  65. insert into dbt_list_type1 ( created_on, list_token, c3, d4, d5, order_by)
  66. values ( unix_timestamp(), _listToken, _first_bal_caption, _first_bal, _first_bad_bal, '19000101');
  67. -- insert for stock_io
  68. insert into dbt_list_type1
  69. ( created_on, list_token, c1, c2, c3, c4, c5, d1, d2, d3, order_by)
  70. select unix_timestamp(), _listToken, io_date, deal_code, concat(slip_no,' / ', stk.seq_no )slip_no, company_name, badstk_status,
  71. io_prc, stk.io_qty*cast((stock_status+1)/2 as int), stk.io_qty*cast(-1*(stock_status-1)/2 as int),
  72. concat( io_date, '-', -1*stock_status,'-', slip_no, '-', seq_no)
  73. from dbr_stock_io as stk
  74. inner join dbr_company as cmp on = stk.company_id
  75. inner join dbr_deal_type as deal on = stk.deal_type_id
  76. where io_date between _sdate and _edate and storage_id = _storage and stk.item_id = _target;
  77. -- compute line_bal
  78. set _line_bal = _first_bal;
  79. set _line_bad_bal = _first_bad_bal;
  80. open _line_cur;
  81. loop1: loop
  82. fetch _line_cur into _line_id, _line_badstk_status, _line_in, _line_out;
  83. if _not_found then leave loop1; end if;
  84. set _in_sum = _in_sum + ifnull(_line_in,0);
  85. set _out_sum = _out_sum + ifnull(_line_out,0);
  86. if _line_badstk_status = '0' then
  87. set _line_bal = ifnull(_line_bal,0) + ifnull(_line_in,0) - ifnull(_line_out,0);
  88. else
  89. set _line_bad_bal = ifnull(_line_bad_bal,0) + ifnull(_line_in,0) - ifnull(_line_out,0);
  90. end if;
  91. update dbt_list_type1 set d4 = _line_bal, d5 = _line_bad_bal where t_id = _line_id;
  92. end loop loop1;
  93. close _line_cur;
  94. -- write list_sum
  95. select item_code, concat(item_name,' / ',sub_name ) into _item_code, _item_sub_name from dbr_item where id = _target;
  96. insert into dbt_list_sum
  97. ( created_on, list_token, c1, c2, c3, c4, d1, d2, d3, d4)
  98. values (unix_timestamp(), _listToken, _item_code, _item_sub_name, _sdate, _edate,
  99. _first_bal, _in_sum, _out_sum, _line_bal);
  100. END;
  101. //
  102. DELIMITER ;