truncate table dbt_list_sum; truncate table dbt_list_type1; drop procedure if exists lt1_accounting_cash_sum_bal; -- 일단 현금계정만 추가함. DELIMITER // create procedure lt1_accounting_cash_sum_bal( _listToken varchar(21), _sdate varchar(8), _edate varchar(8), _s1 varchar(32), _e1 varchar(32), _s2 varchar(32), _e2 varchar(32), _s3 varchar(32), _e3 varchar(32), _s4 varchar(32), _e4 varchar(32), _where varchar(386), _having varchar(386), _orderby varchar(64), _branch int, _storage int) SQL SECURITY INVOKER BEGIN Declare _sbal_date varchar(8); Declare _ebal_date varchar(8); Declare _sbet1 varchar(64); Declare _ebet1 varchar(64); Declare _sbet2 varchar(64); Declare _ebet2 varchar(64); if _is_first_date(_sdate) then set _sbal_date = '19000101'; set _ebal_date = '19000101'; else set _sbal_date = _sdate; set _ebal_date = _edate; end if; if _s1 != '' and _e1 != '' then set _sbet1 = _s1; set _ebet1 = _e1; else set _sbet1 = '!'; set _ebet1 = '駾'; end if; if _s2 != '' and _e2 != '' then set _sbet2 = _s2; set _ebet2 = _e2; else set _sbet2 = '!'; set _ebet2 = '駾'; end if; -- 전월 잔액 -- insert into dbt_list_sum ( created_on, list_token, h_id, id, c1, c2, d1, d2, d3, d4, order_by ) -- 이월 현금 잔액 -- select unix_timestamp(), _listToken,,, title_code, title_name, bal_amt, 0, 0, 0, title_code from ( select acc_title_id, (dr_bal_amt - cr_bal_amt) as bal_amt from dbr_bal_acc_title where yyyy_mm = _prev_month(_sdate) and branch_id = _branch ) as last_mbal inner join dbr_acc_title as mx on = last_mbal.acc_title_id where ( title_code = '1101' ); -- 일단 현금계정만 추가함. -- 입출금 합계 -- insert into dbt_list_sum ( created_on, list_token, h_id, id, c1, c2, d1, d2, d3, d4, order_by ) select unix_timestamp(), _listToken, 1, 1, '1101', '현금', 0, sum(slip_amt*cast((collect_status+1)/2 as int)), sum(slip_amt*cast(-1*(collect_status-1)/2 as int)), sum(slip_amt*collect_status), '1101' from ( select id, branch_id, deal_type_id, slip_amt from dbr_acc_slip where acc_date between _sdate and _edate and deal_type_id between 21 and 25 ) as sbhd inner join dbr_deal_type as deal on = sbhd.deal_type_id where branch_id = _branch group by branch_id; -- dbt_list_type1 으로 집계 -- insert into dbt_list_type1 ( created_on, list_token, h_id, id, c1, c2, d1, d2, d3, d4, order_by ) select min(unix_timestamp()), min(_listToken), min(id), min(id), min(c1), min(c2), sum(d1), sum(d2), sum(d3), sum(d1) + sum(d2) - sum(d3), min(order_by) from dbt_list_sum as mx where list_token = _listToken group by having min( is not null order by order_by asc; END; // DELIMITER ;