# ripple-binary-codec [![NPM](https://img.shields.io/npm/v/ripple-binary-codec.svg)](https://npmjs.org/package/ripple-binary-codec) Functions to encode/decode to/from the ripple [binary serialization format](https://xrpl.org/serialization.html) [![NPM](https://nodei.co/npm/ripple-binary-codec.png)](https://www.npmjs.org/package/ripple-binary-codec) ## API ```js > const api = require('ripple-binary-codec') ``` ### decode(binary: string): object Decode a hex-string into a transaction object. ```js > api.decode('1100612200000000240000000125000000072D0000000055DF530FB14C5304852F20080B0A8EEF3A6BDD044F41F4EBBD68B8B321145FE4FF6240000002540BE4008114D0F5430B66E06498D4CEEC816C7B3337F9982337') { LedgerEntryType: 'AccountRoot', Flags: 0, Sequence: 1, PreviousTxnLgrSeq: 7, OwnerCount: 0, PreviousTxnID: 'DF530FB14C5304852F20080B0A8EEF3A6BDD044F41F4EBBD68B8B321145FE4FF', Balance: '10000000000', Account: 'rLs1MzkFWCxTbuAHgjeTZK4fcCDDnf2KRv' } ``` ### encode(json: object): string Encode a transaction object into a hex-string. Note that encode filters out fields with undefined values. ```js > api.encode({ LedgerEntryType: 'AccountRoot', Flags: 0, Sequence: 1, PreviousTxnLgrSeq: 7, OwnerCount: 0, PreviousTxnID: 'DF530FB14C5304852F20080B0A8EEF3A6BDD044F41F4EBBD68B8B321145FE4FF', Balance: '10000000000', Account: 'rLs1MzkFWCxTbuAHgjeTZK4fcCDDnf2KRv' }) '1100612200000000240000000125000000072D0000000055DF530FB14C5304852F20080B0A8EEF3A6BDD044F41F4EBBD68B8B321145FE4FF6240000002540BE4008114D0F5430B66E06498D4CEEC816C7B3337F9982337' ``` #### X-Address Compatibility * ripple-binary-codec handles X-addresses by looking for a few specific files (Account/SourceTag, Destination/DestinationTag). * If other fields (in the future) must to support X-addresses with tags, this library will need to be updated. * When decoding rippled binary, the output will always output classic address + tag, with no X-addresses. X-address support only applies when encoding to binary. #### Encoding Currency Codes * The standard format for currency codes is a three-letter string such as `USD`. This is intended for use with ISO 4217 Currency Codes. * Currency codes must be exactly 3 ASCII characters in length and there are [a few other rules](https://xrpl.org/currency-formats.html#currency-codes). * ripple-binary-codec allows any 3-character ASCII string to be encoded as a currency code, although rippled may enforce tighter restrictions. * When _decoding_, if a currency code is three uppercase letters or numbers (`/^[A-Z0-9]{3}$/`), then it will be decoded into that string. For example,`0000000000000000000000004142430000000000` decodes as `ABC`. * When decoding, if a currency code is does not match the regex, then it is not considered to be an ISO 4217 or pseudo-ISO currency. ripple-binary-codec will return a 160-bit hex-string (40 hex characters). For example, `0000000000000000000000006142430000000000` (`aBC`) decodes as `0000000000000000000000006142430000000000` because it contains a lowercase letter. ### encodeForSigning(json: object): string Encode the transaction object for signing. ### encodeForSigningClaim(json: object): string Encode the transaction object for payment channel claim. ### encodeForMultisigning(json: object, signer: string): string Encode the transaction object for multi-signing. ### encodeQuality(value: string): string ```js > api.encodeQuality('195796912.5171664') '5D06F4C3362FE1D0' ``` ### decodeQuality(value: string): string ```js > api.decodeQuality('5D06F4C3362FE1D0') '195796912.5171664' ``` ### decodeLedgerData(binary: string): object ```js > api.decodeLedgerData("01E91435016340767BF1C4A3EACEB081770D8ADE216C85445DD6FB002C6B5A2930F2DECE006DA18150CB18F6DD33F6F0990754C962A7CCE62F332FF9C13939B03B864117F0BDA86B6E9B4F873B5C3E520634D343EF5D9D9A4246643D64DAD278BA95DC0EAC6EB5350CF970D521276CDE21276CE60A00") { ledger_index: 32052277, total_coins: '99994494362043555', parent_hash: 'EACEB081770D8ADE216C85445DD6FB002C6B5A2930F2DECE006DA18150CB18F6', transaction_hash: 'DD33F6F0990754C962A7CCE62F332FF9C13939B03B864117F0BDA86B6E9B4F87', account_hash: '3B5C3E520634D343EF5D9D9A4246643D64DAD278BA95DC0EAC6EB5350CF970D5', parent_close_time: 556231902, close_time: 556231910, close_time_resolution: 10, close_flags: 0 } ``` ## Tests Run unit tests with: npm test Use `--coverage` to generate and display code coverage information: npm test --coverage This tells jest to output code coverage info in the `./coverage` directory, in addition to showing it on the command line.