declare type Sequence = number[] | Buffer | Uint8Array;
* Check whether two sequences (e.g. Arrays of numbers) are equal.
* @param arr1 - One of the arrays to compare.
* @param arr2 - The other array to compare.
export declare function seqEqual(arr1: Sequence, arr2: Sequence): boolean;
* Concatenate all `arguments` into a single array. Each argument can be either
* a single element or a sequence, which has a `length` property and supports
* element retrieval via sequence[ix].
* > concatArgs(1, [2, 3], Buffer.from([4,5]), new Uint8Array([6, 7]));
* [1,2,3,4,5,6,7]
* @returns Array of concatenated arguments
export declare function concatArgs(...args: Array): number[];
export {};