langkeywordlib.php 24 KB

  1. <?php
  2. // MR -- add quote (') in value may make trouble to popup appear
  3. $__keyword["under"] = "Under";
  4. $__keyword["filtered"] = "Фильтрованный";
  5. $__keyword["no"] = "No";
  6. $__keyword["matching_the_filter"] = "Соответствие фильтру";
  7. $__keyword["no_matches_found"] = "Ничего не найдено";
  8. $__keyword["db_will_be_used"] = "Будет создана новая база данных";
  9. $__keyword["master_cannot_be_assigned"] = "Мастер не может быть назначен клиенту";
  10. $__keyword["resource"] = "Ресурс";
  11. $__keyword["help"] = "Помощь";
  12. $__keyword["desktop"] = "Рабочий стол";
  13. $__keyword["home"] = "Домашняя страница";
  14. $__keyword["manage"] = "Управлять";
  15. $__keyword["list"] = "Список";
  16. $__keyword["extra"] = "Экстра";
  17. $__keyword["system"] = "Система";
  18. $__keyword["administration"] = "Администрация";
  19. $__keyword["logout"] = "Выход";
  20. $__keyword["about"] = "About";
  21. $__keyword["status"] = "Статус";
  22. $__keyword["enable"] = "Включить";
  23. $__keyword["disable"] = "Выключить";
  24. $__keyword["console"] = "Консоль";
  25. $__keyword["webmailanddb"] = "Web/Mail/Database";
  26. $__keyword["trafficandlog"] = "Traffic/Logs";
  27. $__keyword["webmailanddb"] = "Обычный";
  28. $__keyword["trafficandlog"] = "Статистика";
  29. $__keyword["script"] = "Скрипт";
  30. $__keyword["action"] = "Действие";
  31. $__keyword["power"] = "Энергия";
  32. $__keyword["cpenabled"] = "CP включен";
  33. $__keyword["cpdisabled"] = "CP отключен";
  34. $__keyword["virtual"] = "Виртуальный";
  35. $__keyword["continue_without_plan"] = "Продолжить без плана";
  36. $__keyword["add"] = "Добавить";
  37. $__keyword["continue"] = "Продолжить";
  38. $__keyword["all"] = "Все";
  39. $__keyword["search_on"] = "Искать в";
  40. $__keyword["search_note"] = "Search is enabled, so this list is empty. To see all results, click SHOW ALL";
  41. $__keyword["deprecated"] = "Не рекомендуется для реселлеров и администраторов.";
  42. $__keyword["console_message"] = "You are effectively logged in as user (% username%) on the HOST machine, ".
  43. "which will automatically transfer you to vps. Password is your control panel password for vps.".
  44. "You can also log in as that user% username% using your favorite ssh client, and from there on successful login.
  45. “You will be taken to vps. Please note that you do not need to configure an ip address on the vps to use this facility. ".
  46. "You are basically connecting to the HOST as a user, which will automatically take you to vps.";
  47. $__keyword["advanced"] = "Передовой";
  48. $__keyword["domain"] = "Домен";
  49. // Add for "simplicity" skin menu
  50. $__keyword["server"] = "Сервер";
  51. $__keyword["security"] = "Охрана";
  52. $__keyword["task"] = "Задания";
  53. $__keyword["showhide"] = "Показать/Скрыть";
  54. $__keyword["switchto"] = "Переключить на";
  55. $__keyword["mode"] = "Режим";
  56. $__keyword["domainowner"] = "Доменный&nbsp;Владелец";
  57. $__keyword["switchtoanother"] = "Переключить на другое";
  58. $__keyword["clickheretoadd"] = "Нажми сюда, чтобы добавить";
  59. $__keyword["alllist"] = "Все списки";
  60. $__keyword["resourceplan"] = "Ресурсный план";
  61. $__keyword["support"] = "Поддержка";
  62. $__keyword["message"] = "Сообщения";
  63. $__keyword["custombutton"] = "Настраиваемая кнопка";
  64. $__keyword["reversedns"] = "Обратный DNS";
  65. $__keyword["update"] = "Обновление";
  66. $__keyword["status"] = "Status";
  67. $__keyword["message_title"] = $__keyword["message"] . ": unread/total";
  68. $__keyword["ticket"] = "Ticket";
  69. $__keyword["ticket_title"] = $__keyword["ticket"] . ": open/total";
  70. $__keyword["other"] = "Other";
  71. $__keyword["auxiliary"] = "Auxiliary";
  72. $__keyword["dnstemplate"] = "DNS Template";
  73. $__keyword["backuprestore"] = "Backup/Restore";
  74. $__keyword["general"] = "General";
  75. $__keyword["blockedallowedips"] = "Blocked/Allowed IPs";
  76. $__keyword["maintenance"] = "Maintenance";
  77. $__keyword["show"] = "Show";
  78. $__keyword["lxguard"] = "LxGuard";
  79. $__keyword["php"] = "PHP";
  80. $__keyword["web"] = "Web";
  81. $__keyword["ftp"] = "FTP";
  82. $__keyword["mail"] = "Mail";
  83. $__keyword["database"] = "Database";
  84. $__keyword["ftpuser"] = "FTP User";
  85. $__keyword["ftpmaildatabase"] = "FTP/Mail/Database";
  86. $__keyword["configure"] = "Configure";
  87. $__keyword["crontask"] = "Cron Task";
  88. $__keyword["filemanager"] = "File Manager";
  89. $__keyword["client"] = "Client";
  90. $__keyword["root"] = "Root";
  91. $__keyword["user"] = "User";
  92. $__keyword["domain"] = "Domain";
  93. $__keyword["domain_extra"] = "Domain Extra";
  94. $__keyword["click_here_for"] = "Click Here for";
  95. $__keyword["is_want_logout"] = "Do You Really Want To Logout?";
  96. $__keyword["cancel"] = "Cancel";
  97. $__keyword["ssl"] = "SSL";
  98. $__keyword["update_all"] = "Click Here to Update all objects";
  99. $__keyword["click_to_show"] = "Click to Show";
  100. $__keyword["click_on_showall_to_hide"] = "(Click on show-all to hide)";
  101. $__keyword["click_on_showall_to_see_all_objects"] = "Click on show all to see all objects";
  102. $__keyword["click_here"] = "Click here";
  103. $__keyword["add_to_favorites"] = "Add to Favorites";
  104. $__keyword["press_esc_to_close"] = "Press Esc to close";
  105. $__keyword["password_box"] = "Password Box";
  106. $__keyword["error_box"] = "Error Box";
  107. $__keyword["next"] = "Next";
  108. $__keyword["finish"] = "Finish";
  109. $__keyword["already_exists"] = "Already Exists";
  110. $__keyword["will_be_updated"] = "Will be Updated";
  111. $__keyword["updating"] = "Updating";
  112. $__keyword["updateall_warning1"] = "Attention:\\n\\n".
  113. "- Will impress the parameters of the above form to\\n".
  114. " EVERY object in the drop down list at the top.\\n\\n".
  115. "- Do you want to continue?.\\n".
  116. " If unsure, press cancel, and use simple update";
  117. $__keyword["updateall_warning2"] = "- Are you really sure?.\\n\\n".
  118. " If unsure press cancel, and use simple update.";
  119. $__keyword["wait"] = "Wait...";
  120. $__keyword["available"] = "Available";
  121. $__keyword["selected"] = "Selected";
  122. $__keyword["installed"] = "Installed";
  123. $__keyword["up"] = "Up";
  124. $__keyword["down"] = "Down";
  125. $__keyword["permissions_change"] = "Change Permissions";
  126. $__keyword["permissions_user"] = "User";
  127. $__keyword["permissions_group"] = "Group";
  128. $__keyword["permissions_others"] = "Others";
  129. $__keyword["permissions_write"] = "Write";
  130. $__keyword["permissions_execute"] = "Execute";
  131. $__keyword["permissions_read"] = "Read";
  132. $__keyword["permissions_total"] = "Total";
  133. $__keyword["permissions_target"] = "Target";
  134. $__keyword["permissions_target_file"] = "Files";
  135. $__keyword["permissions_target_dir"] = "Directories";
  136. $__keyword["permissions_target_all"] = "All";
  137. $__keyword["permissions_recursively"] = "Change Permssions Recursively";
  138. $__keyword["permissions_confirm"] = "Do You Really want to set this permission Recursively?";
  139. $__keyword["ownership_change"] = "Change Ownership";
  140. $__keyword["ownership_current"] = "Current";
  141. $__keyword["ownership_user"] = "User";
  142. $__keyword["ownership_group"] = "Group";
  143. $__keyword["ownership_recursively"] = "Change Ownership Recursively";
  144. $__keyword["ownership_confirm"] = "Do You Really want to set this ownership Recursively?";
  145. $__throw["domain_is_already_owned"] = "Domain is already owned. Please enable: [b]I Confirm That I Am The Owner Of Domain[/b]";
  146. $__throw["invalid_domain_name"] = "Invalid domain name";
  147. $__throw["not_permit_as_subdomain"] = "Not permit webmail/mail/lists/cp/www/default as subdomain";
  148. $__throw["add_without_www"] = "Add without www";
  149. $__throw["can_not_be_added"] = "Can not be added";
  150. $__throw["no_mysql_connection_while_uploading_file"] = "No MySQL connection while uploading file";
  151. $__throw["invalid_ipaddress"] = "Invalid IPAddress";
  152. $__throw["some_other_host_uses_this_ip"] = "Some other host uses this IPAddress";
  153. $__throw["could_not_zip_dir"] = "Could not ZIP dir";
  154. $__throw["no_graph_data"] = "No Graph data";
  155. $__throw["could_not_get_graph_data"] = "Could not get Graph data";
  156. $__throw["no_traffic_data"] = "No Traffic data";
  157. $__throw["could_not_get_traffic_data"] = "Could not get Traffic data";
  158. $__throw["graph_generation_failed"] = "Graph generation failed";
  159. $__throw["could_not_create_tmp_dir"] = "Could not create TMP dir";
  160. $__throw["corrupted_file"] = "Corrupted File";
  161. $__throw["need"] = "Need";
  162. $__throw["could_not_connect_to_ftp_server"] = "Could not connect to FTP server";
  163. $__throw["file_download_failed"] = "File download failed";
  164. $__throw["install_failed"] = "Install failed";
  165. $__throw["remove_failed"] = "Remove failed";
  166. $__throw["replace_failed"] = "Replace failed";
  167. $__throw["invalid_client_name"] = "Invalid client name";
  168. $__throw["invalid_database_name"] = "Invalid database name";
  169. $__throw["invalid_password"] = "Password is too simple or contains invalid characters";
  170. $__throw["more_than_128_chars"] = "More than 128 chars";
  171. $__throw["more_than_255_chars"] = "More than 255 chars";
  172. $__throw["could_not_get_application_version_list"] = "Could not get Application version list";
  173. $__throw["no_object"] = "No object";
  174. $__throw["no_syncserver"] = "No Syncserver";
  175. $__throw["no_change"] = "No change";
  176. $__throw["drivers_are_different_in_two_servers"] = "Drivers are different in two Servers";
  177. $__throw["vzmigrate_failed_due_to"] = "vzmigrate failed due to";
  178. $__throw["object_found_without_proper_parent"] = "Object found without proper parent";
  179. $__throw["httpd_stop_failed"] = "httpd stop failed";
  180. $__throw["httpd_start_failed"] = "httpd start failed";
  181. $__throw["mysqld_restart_failed"] = "mysqld restart failed";
  182. $__throw["invalid_domain"] = "Invalid domain";
  183. $__throw["invalid_subdomain"] = "Invalid subdomain";
  184. $__throw["invalid_ip_address"] = "Invalid IPAddress";
  185. $__throw["invalid_domain_in_primary_ns"] = "Invalid domain in primary NS";
  186. $__throw["invalid_domain_in_secondary_ns"] = "Invalid domain in secondary NS";
  187. $__throw["template_not_owner"] = "Template not owner";
  188. $__throw["invalid_char_in_template_name"] = "Invalid char in template name";
  189. $__throw["template_name_over_char_limit"] = "Template name over char limit";
  190. $__throw["no_dns_permission"] = "No_DNS permission";
  191. $__throw["only_admin_can_access"] = "Only admin can access";
  192. $__throw["could_not_get_application_version_list"] = "Could not get application version list";
  193. $__throw["not_allowed_in_demo"] = "Not allowed in DEMO";
  194. $__throw["please_add_one_domain_for_owner_mode"] = "Please add one domain for owner mode";
  195. $__throw["skeleton_should_be_zip"] = "Skeleton should be zip";
  196. // $__throw["success_message_successfully_sent"] = "Success message successfully sent";
  197. $__throw["message_sent"] = "Message sent";
  198. $__throw["no_contact_email"] = "No contact email";
  199. $__throw["resource_quota_more_than_available"] = "Resource quota more than available";
  200. $__throw["installapp_needs_valid_contactemail"] = "Installapp needs valid contactemail";
  201. // $__throw["type_of_adding_more_than_parent"] = "Type of adding more than parent";
  202. $__throw["client_type_more_than_parent"] = "Client type more than parent";
  203. $__throw["use_double_underscore"] = "Use double underscore";
  204. $__throw["dir_as_reserved_under_home_dir"] = "Dir as reserved under home dir";
  205. $__throw["dir_exists_under_home_dir"] = "Dir exists under home dir";
  206. $__throw["sending_welcome_needs_contactemail"] = "Sending welcome needs contactemail";
  207. $__throw["contactemail_is_not_valid_email_address"] = "Contactemail is not valid email address";
  208. $__throw["no_server_pool"] = "No server pool";
  209. $__throw["csr_sent_to_email"] = "CSR sent to email";
  210. $__throw["parent_doesnt_have_privileges"] = "Parent doesnt have privileges";
  211. $__throw["should_create_auxiliary_id_before_disabling_admin"] = "Should create auxiliary id before disabling admin";
  212. $__throw["not_admin"] = "Not admin";
  213. $__throw["failed_to_copy_license_file_permission_error"] = "Failed to copy license file permission error";
  214. $__throw["no_ipaddress"] = "No ipaddress";
  215. $__throw["no_template"] = "No template";
  216. $__throw["only_reseller_and_admin"] = "Only reseller and admin";
  217. $__throw["template_not_owner"] = "Template not owner";
  218. $__throw["could_not_change_admin_pass"] = "Could not change admin pass";
  219. $__throw["backup_server_is_not_configured"] = "Backup server is not configured";
  220. $__throw["backup_server_is_not_there"] = "Backup server is not there";
  221. $__throw["url_is_not_defined"] = "URL is not defined";
  222. $__throw["name_cannot_contain_colon"] = "Name cannot contain colon";
  223. $__throw["account_is_disabled"] = "Account is disabled";
  224. $__throw["name_cannot_contain_dash"] = "Name cannot contain dash";
  225. $__throw["name_cannot_contain_space"] = "Name cannot contain space";
  226. $__throw["already_exists"] = "Already exists";
  227. $__throw["can_not_set_own_limit"] = "Can not set own limit";
  228. $__throw["can_not_change_plan"] = "Can not change plan";
  229. $__throw["can_not_find_the_resource_plan"] = "Can not find the resource plan";
  230. $__throw["wrong_password"] = "Wrong password";
  231. $__throw["no_root_dir_specified"] = "No root dir specified";
  232. $__throw["domain_already_exists_as_virtual"] = "Domain_already_exists_as_virtual";
  233. $__throw["no_dns_template"] = "No DNS template";
  234. $__throw["webserver_not_same"] = "Webserver not same";
  235. $__throw["mailserver_not_same"] = "Mailserver not same";
  236. $__throw["dns_template_inconsistency"] = "DNS template inconsistency";
  237. $__throw["no_resourceplan"] = "No Resourceplan";
  238. $__throw["user_exists_in_db"] = "User exists in DB";
  239. $__throw["domain_already_exists_as_pointer"] = "Domain already exists as Pointer";
  240. $__throw["no_maindomain"] = "No_maindomain";
  241. $__throw["no_ip_address_matching_webserver"] = "No IPAddress matching Webserver";
  242. $__throw["no_parent_object"] = "No parent object";
  243. $__throw["not_owner_of_parent_object"] = "Not owner of parent object";
  244. $__throw["could_not_change_superadmin_pass"] = "Could not change superadmin pass";
  245. $__throw["no_object_under_current_user"] = "No object under current user";
  246. $__throw["could_not_unzip_file"] = "Could not unzip file";
  247. $__throw["could_not_download_here"] = "Could not download here";
  248. $__throw["need_to_select_pserver"] = "Need to select pserver";
  249. $__throw["first_and_last_should_be_same_network"] = "First and last should be same network";
  250. $__throw["can_not_delete_in_demo"] = "Can not delete in DEMO";
  251. $__throw["can_not_add_in_demo"] = "Can not add in DEMO";
  252. $__throw["trying_to_access_an_unsettable_variable"] = "Trying to access an unsettable variable";
  253. $__throw["please_select_value"] = "Please select value";
  254. $__throw["quota_exceeded"] = "Quota exceeded";
  255. $__throw["select_one_is_not_an_acceptable_value"] = "Select one is not an acceptable value";
  256. $__throw["already_exists"] = "Already exists";
  257. $__throw["select_one_child"] = "Select one child";
  258. $__throw["ticketid_can_not_be_less_than_current"] = "Ticketid can not be less than current";
  259. $__throw["this_is_a_running_secondary_master"] = "This is a running secondary master";
  260. $__throw["db_add_failed"] = "DB add failed";
  261. $__throw["file_exists_not_owned"] = "File exists not owned";
  262. $__throw["could_not_decrypt_license"] = "Could not decrypt license";
  263. $__throw["demo"] = "Demo";
  264. $__throw["not_allowed_in_demo_version"] = "Not allowed in DEMO version";
  265. $__throw["switch_is_already_happening"] = "Switch is already happening";
  266. $__throw["livemigrate_is_already_happening"] = "Livemigrate is already happening";
  267. $__throw["does_not_exist"] = "Does not exist";
  268. $__throw["name_can_not_contain_comma"] = "Name can not contain comma";
  269. $__throw["name_can_not_contain_single_quote"] = "Name can not contain single quote";
  270. $__throw["name_can_not_contain_bracket"] = "Name can not contain bracket";
  271. $__throw["name_can_not_contain_plus"] = "Name can not contain plus";
  272. $__throw["name_can_not_contain_lessthan_greaterthan_or_and"] = "Name can not contain less than, greater than or and";
  273. $__throw["login_is_demo"] = "Login is demo";
  274. $__throw["class_is_null"] = "Class is null";
  275. $__throw["no_element"] = "No element";
  276. $__throw["inconsistency_in_backup_detected_parent_heirarchy_not_met"] = "Inconsistency in backup detected parent heirarchy not met";
  277. $__throw["not_enough_quota_in_parent"] = "Not enough quota in parent";
  278. $__throw["locked_by_parent"] = "Locked by parent";
  279. $__throw["changed_name_already_existst"] = "Changed name already exists";
  280. $__throw["could_not_get_file"] = "Could not get file";
  281. $__throw["objectclassname_does_not_match"] = "Objectclassname does not match";
  282. $__throw["only_admin_can_modify_general"] = "Only admin can modify general";
  283. $__throw["could_not_save_file"] = "Could not save file";
  284. $__throw["trying_to_go_outside_root"] = "Trying to go outside root";
  285. $__throw["monitoring_port_exceeded"] = "Monitoring port exceeded";
  286. $__throw["traceroute_failed"] = "Traceroute failed";
  287. $__throw["machine_does_not_exist_in_db"] = "Machine does not exist in DB";
  288. $__throw["could_not_connect_to_server"] = "Could not connect to server";
  289. $__throw["on_secondary_master"] = "On secondary master";
  290. $__throw["no_socket_connect_to_server"] = "No socket connect to server";
  291. $__throw["restarting_backend"] = "Restarting backend";
  292. $__throw["parent_does_not_have_permission_for"] = "Parent does not have permission for";
  293. $__throw["has_to_be_greater_than_zero"] = "Has to be greater than zero";
  294. $__throw["no_permission_to_backup"] = "No permission to backup";
  295. $__throw["could_not_find_file"] = "Could not find file";
  296. $__throw["backup_file_corrupted"] = "Backup file corrupted";
  297. $__throw["could_not_upload_file"] = "Could not upload file";
  298. $__throw["going_on"] = "Going on";
  299. $__throw["backup_number_exceeded"] = "Backup number exceeded";
  300. $__throw["backup_has_been_scheduled"] = "Backup has been scheduled";
  301. $__throw["file_already_exists"] = "File already exists";
  302. $__throw["could_not_create_user"] = "Could not create user";
  303. $__throw["could_not_find_free_loop"] = "Could not find free loop";
  304. $__throw["recursive_removal_low_level_directories_not_allowed"] = "Recursive removal low level directories not allowed";
  305. $__throw["no_stars_allowed"] = "No stars allowed";
  306. $__throw["setuid_not_allowed_in_chmod"] = "setuid not allowed in chmod";
  307. $__throw["document_root_may_not_contain_spaces"] = "Document root may not contain spaces";
  308. $__throw["document_root_may_not_contain_doubledots"] = "Document root may not contain doubledots";
  309. $__throw["document_root_may_not_contain_dotslash"] = "Document root may not contain dotslash";
  310. $__throw["document_root_may_not_contain_slashdot"] = "Document root may not contain slashdot";
  311. $__throw["document_root_may_not_contain_tilde"] = "Document root may not contain tilde";
  312. $__throw["no_need_protocol_http_or_https_for_location"] = "No need protocol http or https for location";
  313. $__throw["subdomain_not_added_due_to_dns_conflict"] = "Subdomain not added due to DNS conflict";
  314. $__throw["invalid_server_alias"] = "Invalid server alias";
  315. $__throw["se_submit_running_background"] = "Se submit running background";
  316. $__throw["no_ip_pool_in_parent"] = "No IP pool in parent";
  317. $__throw["secondary_php_not_work_for"] = "Secondary PHP not work for";
  318. $__throw["only_work_for_php-type_for_php-fpm"] = "Only work for PHP-Type for php-fpm";
  319. $__throw["other_install_process_still_running"] = "Other install process still running";
  320. $__throw["install_process_running_in_background"] = "Install process running in background";
  321. $__throw["path_already_exists"] = "Path already exists";
  322. $__throw["can_not_access_application_directory"] = "Can not access application directory";
  323. $__throw["could_not_connect_to_mysql_server_from_web_server"] = "Could not connect to MySQL server from Web server";
  324. $__throw["could_not_download_application_archive"] = "Could not download application archive";
  325. $__throw["could_not_copy_to_domain_root"] = "Could not copy to domain root";
  326. $__throw["could_not_copy_document_root"] = "Could not copy document root";
  327. $__throw["this_is_a_snapshot_of_an_older_installation"] = "This is a snapshot of an older installation";
  328. $__throw["database_already_exists"] = "Database already exists";
  329. $__throw["another_application_exists_in_the_same_location"] = "Another application exists in the same location";
  330. $__throw["could_not_create_database_after_20_tries"] = "Could not create database after 20 tries";
  331. $__throw["mysqldb_quota_exceeded"] = "Mysqldb quota exceeded";
  332. $__throw["invalid_email"] = "Invalid Email";
  333. $__throw["user_create"] = "Usercreate";
  334. $__throw["user_exists"] = "Userexists";
  335. $__throw["certificate_key_file_empty"] = "Certificate key file empty";
  336. $__throw["need_real_certificate"] = "Need real certificate";
  337. $__throw["sslcert_does_not_exists"] = "sslcert does not exists";
  338. $__throw["certificate_key_file_corrupted"] = "Certificate key file corrupted";
  339. $__throw["key_crt_files_needed"] = "Key crt files needed";
  340. $__throw["invalid_ssh_port"] = "invalid SSH Port";
  341. $__throw["could_not_write_config_file"] = "Could not write config file";
  342. $__throw["need_to_add_at_least_one_ip_to_vps_for_logging_in"] = "Need to add at least one IP to VPS for logging in";
  343. $__throw["dns_params_not_configured"] = "DNS params not configured";
  344. $__throw["no_vz_conf_directory"] = "No VZ conf directory";
  345. $__throw["could_not_find_xen_import_driver_file"] = "Could not find Xen import driver file";
  346. $__throw["no_xenimport_function"] = "No xenimport function";
  347. $__throw["not_ready_to_use"] = "Not ready to use";
  348. $__throw["no_ip_pool_configured_for_this_slave"] = "No IP pool configured for this slave";
  349. $__throw["only_alpha_numeric_characters_allowed"] = "Only alpha numeric characters allowed";
  350. $__throw["no_permission"] = "No permission";
  351. $__throw["could_not_connect_to_db"] = "Could not connect to DB";
  352. $__throw["database_user_already_exists"] = "Database user already exists";
  353. $__throw["could_not_find_matching_dumpfile_for_db"] = "Could not find matching dumpfile for DB";
  354. $__throw["update_scheduled"] = "Update scheduled";
  355. $__throw["slave_is_automatically_updated"] = "Slave is automatically updated";
  356. $__throw["modifying_eth_not_permitted"] = "Modifying eth not permitted";
  357. $__throw["modifying_not_permitted"] = "Modifying not permitted";
  358. $__throw["invalid_gateway"] = "Invalid gateway";
  359. $__throw["invalid_netmask"] = "Invalid netmask";
  360. $__throw["ipaddress_already_configured"] = "IPAddress already configured";
  361. $__throw["file_manager_is_readonly"] = "File Manager is readonly";
  362. $__throw["can_not_save_content"] = "Can not save content";
  363. $__throw["no_imagemagick"] = "No ImageMagick";
  364. $__throw["please_type_full_url_including_file_name"] = "Please type full url including file name";
  365. $__throw["file_exists"] = "File exists";
  366. $__throw["can_not_unzip_in_root"] = "Can not unzip in root";
  367. $__throw["root_can_not_extract_to_existing_dir"] = "Root can not extract to existing dir";
  368. $__throw["file_upload_already_exists"] = "File upload already exists";
  369. $__throw["file_rename_already_exists"] = "File rename already exists";
  370. $__throw["no_file_in_upload"] = "No file in upload";
  371. $__throw["folder_name_may_not_contain_doubledotsslash"] = "Folder name may not contain doubledotsslash";
  372. $__throw["only_in_backup"] = "Only in backup";
  373. $__throw["ftp_server_not_set"] = "FTP server not set";
  374. $__throw["lvm_does_not_exist"] = "LVM does not exist";
  375. $__throw["location_is_either_full_path_or_lvm"] = "Location is either full path or LVM";
  376. $__throw["this_domain_does_not_resolve_to_this_ip"] = "This domain does not resolve to this IPAddress";
  377. $__throw["no_database_server_pool_in_client"] = "No database server pool in client";
  378. $__throw["mysql_admin_password_is_not_correct"] = "MySQL admin password is not correct";
  379. $__throw["mysql_password_reset_failed"] = "MySQL password reset failed";
  380. $__throw["could_not_connect_to_db_admin"] = "Could not connect to DB admin";
  381. $__throw["dbpassword_can_not_be_null"] = "DB password can not be null";
  382. $__throw["adding_cron_failed"] = "Adding cron failed";
  383. $__throw["can_not_be_null"] = "Can not be null";
  384. $__throw["spamdyke_is_not_installed"] = "spamdyke is not installed";
  385. $__throw["simscan_is_not_installed_for_virus_scan"] = "simscan is not installed for virus scan";
  386. $__throw["could_not_delete_domain"] = "Could not delete domain";
  387. $__throw["could_not_add_mail_and_then_try_again"] = "Could not add mail, try again";
  388. $__throw["create_mailinglist_failed"] = "Create mailinglist failed";
  389. $__throw["need_listname"] = "Need listname";
  390. $__throw["mailaccount_add_failed"] = "MailAccount add failed";
  391. $__throw["first_add_some_autoresponders"] = "First add some autoresponders";
  392. $__throw["mailforward_already_exists"] = "Mailforward already exists";
  393. $__throw["no_permit_to_delete_main_ftpuser"] = "No permit to delete main FTPUser";
  394. $__throw["program_is_already_updating"] = "Program is already updating";
  395. $__throw["need_a_or_aaa_record"] = "Need A or AAA record declared";