langkeywordlib.php 23 KB

  1. <?php
  2. // MR -- add quote (') in value may make trouble to popup appear
  3. $__keyword["under"] = "Under";
  4. $__keyword["filtered"] = "Filtered";
  5. $__keyword["no"] = "No";
  6. $__keyword["matching_the_filter"] = "Matching the Filter";
  7. $__keyword["no_matches_found"] = "No Matches Found";
  8. $__keyword["db_will_be_used"] = "New Database will be created";
  9. $__keyword["master_cannot_be_assigned"] = "Master cannot be assigned to a client";
  10. $__keyword["resource"] = "Resource";
  11. $__keyword["help"] = "Help";
  12. $__keyword["desktop"] = "Desktop";
  13. $__keyword["home"] = "Home";
  14. $__keyword["manage"] = "Manage";
  15. $__keyword["list"] = "List";
  16. $__keyword["extra"] = "Extra";
  17. $__keyword["system"] = "System";
  18. $__keyword["administration"] = "Administration";
  19. $__keyword["logout"] = "Logout";
  20. $__keyword["about"] = "About";
  21. $__keyword["status"] = "Status";
  22. $__keyword["enable"] = "Enable";
  23. $__keyword["disable"] = "Disable";
  24. $__keyword["console"] = "Console";
  25. // $__keyword["webmailanddb"] = "Web/Mail/Database";
  26. // $__keyword["trafficandlog"] = "Traffic/Logs";
  27. $__keyword["webmailanddb"] = "Basic";
  28. $__keyword["trafficandlog"] = "Stats";
  29. $__keyword["script"] = "script";
  30. $__keyword["action"] = "Action";
  31. $__keyword["power"] = "Power";
  32. $__keyword["cpenabled"] = "CP Enabled";
  33. $__keyword["cpdisabled"] = "CP Disabled";
  34. $__keyword["virtual"] = "virtual";
  35. $__keyword["continue_without_plan"] = "Continue Without Plan";
  36. $__keyword["add"] = "Add";
  37. $__keyword["continue"] = "Continue";
  38. $__keyword["all"] = "All";
  39. $__keyword["search_on"] = "Search On";
  40. $__keyword["search_note"] = "Search is on, and thats why this list is empty. To see all results, click on show all";
  41. $__keyword["deprecated"] = "Deprecated in Reseller and Admin.";
  42. $__keyword["console_message"] = "You are actually logging into a user (%username%) on the HOST machine, " .
  43. "which will automatically drop you into the vps. The password is your Control Panel password for the vps. " .
  44. "You can also login to this user %username% using your favorite ssh client, and there too on a successful login, " .
  45. "you will be dropped into the vps. Note that you do not need an ipaddress to be configured on the vps to use this facility. " .
  46. "You are basically connecting to the HOST as user, which will automatically transfer you to the vps.";
  47. $__keyword["advanced"] = "Advanced";
  48. $__keyword["domain"] = "Domain";
  49. // Add for "simplicity" skin menu
  50. $__keyword["server"] = "Server";
  51. $__keyword["security"] = "Security";
  52. $__keyword["task"] = "Task";
  53. $__keyword["showhide"] = "Show/Hide";
  54. $__keyword["switchto"] = "Switch To";
  55. $__keyword["mode"] = "Mode";
  56. $__keyword["domainowner"] = "Domain&nbsp;Owner";
  57. $__keyword["switchtoanother"] = "Switch To Another";
  58. $__keyword["clickheretoadd"] = "Click Here to Add";
  59. $__keyword["alllist"] = "All List";
  60. $__keyword["resourceplan"] = "Resource Plan";
  61. $__keyword["support"] = "Support";
  62. $__keyword["message"] = "Message";
  63. $__keyword["custombutton"] = "Custom Button";
  64. $__keyword["reversedns"] = "Reverse DNS";
  65. $__keyword["update"] = "Update";
  66. $__keyword["status"] = "Status";
  67. $__keyword["message_title"] = $__keyword["message"] . ": unread/total";
  68. $__keyword["ticket"] = "Ticket";
  69. $__keyword["ticket_title"] = $__keyword["ticket"] . ": open/total";
  70. $__keyword["other"] = "Other";
  71. $__keyword["auxiliary"] = "Auxiliary";
  72. $__keyword["dnstemplate"] = "DNS Template";
  73. $__keyword["backuprestore"] = "Backup/Restore";
  74. $__keyword["general"] = "General";
  75. $__keyword["blockedallowedips"] = "Blocked/Allowed IPs";
  76. $__keyword["maintenance"] = "Maintenance";
  77. $__keyword["show"] = "Show";
  78. $__keyword["lxguard"] = "LxGuard";
  79. $__keyword["php"] = "PHP";
  80. $__keyword["web"] = "Web";
  81. $__keyword["ftp"] = "FTP";
  82. $__keyword["mail"] = "Mail";
  83. $__keyword["database"] = "Database";
  84. $__keyword["ftpuser"] = "FTP User";
  85. $__keyword["ftpmaildatabase"] = "FTP/Mail/Database";
  86. $__keyword["configure"] = "Configure";
  87. $__keyword["crontask"] = "Cron Task";
  88. $__keyword["filemanager"] = "File Manager";
  89. $__keyword["client"] = "Client";
  90. $__keyword["root"] = "Root";
  91. $__keyword["user"] = "User";
  92. $__keyword["domain"] = "Domain";
  93. $__keyword["domain_extra"] = "Domain Extra";
  94. $__keyword["click_here_for"] = "Click Here for";
  95. $__keyword["is_want_logout"] = "Do You Really Want To Logout?";
  96. $__keyword["cancel"] = "Cancel";
  97. $__keyword["ssl"] = "SSL";
  98. $__keyword["update_all"] = "Click Here to Update all objects";
  99. $__keyword["click_to_show"] = "Click to Show";
  100. $__keyword["click_on_showall_to_hide"] = "(Click on show-all to hide)";
  101. $__keyword["click_on_showall_to_see_all_objects"] = "Click on show all to see all objects";
  102. $__keyword["click_here"] = "Click here";
  103. $__keyword["add_to_favorites"] = "Add to Favorites";
  104. $__keyword["press_esc_to_close"] = "Press Esc to close";
  105. $__keyword["password_box"] = "Password Box";
  106. $__keyword["error_box"] = "Error Box";
  107. $__keyword["next"] = "Next";
  108. $__keyword["finish"] = "Finish";
  109. $__keyword["already_exists"] = "Already Exists";
  110. $__keyword["will_be_updated"] = "Will be Updated";
  111. $__keyword["updating"] = "Updating";
  112. $__keyword["updateall_warning1"] = "Attention:\\n\\n".
  113. "- Will impress the parameters of the above form to\\n".
  114. " EVERY object in the drop down list at the top.\\n\\n".
  115. "- Do you want to continue?.\\n".
  116. " If unsure, press cancel, and use simple update";
  117. $__keyword["updateall_warning2"] = "- Are you really sure?.\\n\\n".
  118. " If unsure press cancel, and use simple update.";
  119. $__keyword["wait"] = "Wait...";
  120. $__keyword["available"] = "Available";
  121. $__keyword["selected"] = "Selected";
  122. $__keyword["installed"] = "Installed";
  123. $__keyword["up"] = "Up";
  124. $__keyword["down"] = "Down";
  125. $__keyword["permissions_change"] = "Change Permissions";
  126. $__keyword["permissions_user"] = "User";
  127. $__keyword["permissions_group"] = "Group";
  128. $__keyword["permissions_others"] = "Others";
  129. $__keyword["permissions_write"] = "Write";
  130. $__keyword["permissions_execute"] = "Execute";
  131. $__keyword["permissions_read"] = "Read";
  132. $__keyword["permissions_total"] = "Total";
  133. $__keyword["permissions_target"] = "Target";
  134. $__keyword["permissions_target_file"] = "Files";
  135. $__keyword["permissions_target_dir"] = "Directories";
  136. $__keyword["permissions_target_all"] = "All";
  137. $__keyword["permissions_recursively"] = "Change Permssions Recursively";
  138. $__keyword["permissions_confirm"] = "Do You Really want to set this permission Recursively?";
  139. $__keyword["ownership_change"] = "Change Ownership";
  140. $__keyword["ownership_current"] = "Current";
  141. $__keyword["ownership_user"] = "User";
  142. $__keyword["ownership_group"] = "Group";
  143. $__keyword["ownership_recursively"] = "Change Ownership Recursively";
  144. $__keyword["ownership_confirm"] = "Do You Really want to set this ownership Recursively?";
  145. $__throw["domain_is_already_owned"] = "Domain is already owned. Please enable: [b]I Confirm That I Am The Owner Of Domain[/b]";
  146. $__throw["invalid_domain_name"] = "Invalid domain name";
  147. $__throw["not_permit_as_subdomain"] = "Not permit webmail/mail/lists/cp/www/default as subdomain";
  148. $__throw["add_without_www"] = "Add without www";
  149. $__throw["can_not_be_added"] = "Can not be added";
  150. $__throw["no_mysql_connection_while_uploading_file"] = "No MySQL connection while uploading file";
  151. $__throw["invalid_ipaddress"] = "Invalid IPAddress";
  152. $__throw["some_other_host_uses_this_ip"] = "Some other host uses this IPAddress";
  153. $__throw["could_not_zip_dir"] = "Could not ZIP dir";
  154. $__throw["no_graph_data"] = "No Graph data";
  155. $__throw["could_not_get_graph_data"] = "Could not get Graph data";
  156. $__throw["no_traffic_data"] = "No Traffic data";
  157. $__throw["could_not_get_traffic_data"] = "Could not get Traffic data";
  158. $__throw["graph_generation_failed"] = "Graph generation failed";
  159. $__throw["could_not_create_tmp_dir"] = "Could not create TMP dir";
  160. $__throw["corrupted_file"] = "Corrupted File";
  161. $__throw["need"] = "Need";
  162. $__throw["could_not_connect_to_ftp_server"] = "Could not connect to FTP server";
  163. $__throw["file_download_failed"] = "File download failed";
  164. $__throw["install_failed"] = "Install failed";
  165. $__throw["remove_failed"] = "Remove failed";
  166. $__throw["replace_failed"] = "Replace failed";
  167. $__throw["invalid_client_name"] = "Invalid client name";
  168. $__throw["invalid_database_name"] = "Invalid database name";
  169. $__throw["invalid_password"] = "Password is too simple or contains invalid characters";
  170. $__throw["more_than_128_chars"] = "More than 128 chars";
  171. $__throw["more_than_255_chars"] = "More than 255 chars";
  172. $__throw["could_not_get_application_version_list"] = "Could not get Application version list";
  173. $__throw["no_object"] = "No object";
  174. $__throw["no_syncserver"] = "No Syncserver";
  175. $__throw["no_change"] = "No change";
  176. $__throw["drivers_are_different_in_two_servers"] = "Drivers are different in two Servers";
  177. $__throw["vzmigrate_failed_due_to"] = "vzmigrate failed due to";
  178. $__throw["object_found_without_proper_parent"] = "Object found without proper parent";
  179. $__throw["httpd_stop_failed"] = "httpd stop failed";
  180. $__throw["httpd_start_failed"] = "httpd start failed";
  181. $__throw["mysqld_restart_failed"] = "mysqld restart failed";
  182. $__throw["invalid_domain"] = "Invalid domain";
  183. $__throw["invalid_subdomain"] = "Invalid subdomain";
  184. $__throw["invalid_ip_address"] = "Invalid IPAddress";
  185. $__throw["invalid_domain_in_primary_ns"] = "Invalid domain in primary NS";
  186. $__throw["invalid_domain_in_secondary_ns"] = "Invalid domain in secondary NS";
  187. $__throw["template_not_owner"] = "Template not owner";
  188. $__throw["invalid_char_in_template_name"] = "Invalid char in template name";
  189. $__throw["template_name_over_char_limit"] = "Template name over char limit";
  190. $__throw["no_dns_permission"] = "No_DNS permission";
  191. $__throw["only_admin_can_access"] = "Only admin can access";
  192. $__throw["could_not_get_application_version_list"] = "Could not get application version list";
  193. $__throw["not_allowed_in_demo"] = "Not allowed in DEMO";
  194. $__throw["please_add_one_domain_for_owner_mode"] = "Please add one domain for owner mode";
  195. $__throw["skeleton_should_be_zip"] = "Skeleton should be zip";
  196. // $__throw["success_message_successfully_sent"] = "Success message successfully sent";
  197. $__throw["message_sent"] = "Message sent";
  198. $__throw["no_contact_email"] = "No contact email";
  199. $__throw["resource_quota_more_than_available"] = "Resource quota more than available";
  200. $__throw["installapp_needs_valid_contactemail"] = "Installapp needs valid contactemail";
  201. // $__throw["type_of_adding_more_than_parent"] = "Type of adding more than parent";
  202. $__throw["client_type_more_than_parent"] = "Client type more than parent";
  203. $__throw["use_double_underscore"] = "Use double underscore";
  204. $__throw["dir_as_reserved_under_home_dir"] = "Dir as reserved under home dir";
  205. $__throw["dir_exists_under_home_dir"] = "Dir exists under home dir";
  206. $__throw["sending_welcome_needs_contactemail"] = "Sending welcome needs contactemail";
  207. $__throw["contactemail_is_not_valid_email_address"] = "Contactemail is not valid email address";
  208. $__throw["no_server_pool"] = "No server pool";
  209. $__throw["csr_sent_to_email"] = "CSR sent to email";
  210. $__throw["parent_doesnt_have_privileges"] = "Parent doesnt have privileges";
  211. $__throw["should_create_auxiliary_id_before_disabling_admin"] = "Should create auxiliary id before disabling admin";
  212. $__throw["not_admin"] = "Not admin";
  213. $__throw["failed_to_copy_license_file_permission_error"] = "Failed to copy license file permission error";
  214. $__throw["no_ipaddress"] = "No ipaddress";
  215. $__throw["no_template"] = "No template";
  216. $__throw["only_reseller_and_admin"] = "Only reseller and admin";
  217. $__throw["template_not_owner"] = "Template not owner";
  218. $__throw["could_not_change_admin_pass"] = "Could not change admin pass";
  219. $__throw["backup_server_is_not_configured"] = "Backup server is not configured";
  220. $__throw["backup_server_is_not_there"] = "Backup server is not there";
  221. $__throw["url_is_not_defined"] = "URL is not defined";
  222. $__throw["name_cannot_contain_colon"] = "Name cannot contain colon";
  223. $__throw["account_is_disabled"] = "Account is disabled";
  224. $__throw["name_cannot_contain_dash"] = "Name cannot contain dash";
  225. $__throw["name_cannot_contain_space"] = "Name cannot contain space";
  226. $__throw["already_exists"] = "Already exists";
  227. $__throw["can_not_set_own_limit"] = "Can not set own limit";
  228. $__throw["can_not_change_plan"] = "Can not change plan";
  229. $__throw["can_not_find_the_resource_plan"] = "Can not find the resource plan";
  230. $__throw["wrong_password"] = "Wrong password";
  231. $__throw["no_root_dir_specified"] = "No root dir specified";
  232. $__throw["domain_already_exists_as_virtual"] = "Domain_already_exists_as_virtual";
  233. $__throw["no_dns_template"] = "No DNS template";
  234. $__throw["webserver_not_same"] = "Webserver not same";
  235. $__throw["mailserver_not_same"] = "Mailserver not same";
  236. $__throw["dns_template_inconsistency"] = "DNS template inconsistency";
  237. $__throw["no_resourceplan"] = "No Resourceplan";
  238. $__throw["user_exists_in_db"] = "User exists in DB";
  239. $__throw["domain_already_exists_as_pointer"] = "Domain already exists as Pointer";
  240. $__throw["no_maindomain"] = "No_maindomain";
  241. $__throw["no_ip_address_matching_webserver"] = "No IPAddress matching Webserver";
  242. $__throw["no_parent_object"] = "No parent object";
  243. $__throw["not_owner_of_parent_object"] = "Not owner of parent object";
  244. $__throw["could_not_change_superadmin_pass"] = "Could not change superadmin pass";
  245. $__throw["no_object_under_current_user"] = "No object under current user";
  246. $__throw["could_not_unzip_file"] = "Could not unzip file";
  247. $__throw["could_not_download_here"] = "Could not download here";
  248. $__throw["need_to_select_pserver"] = "Need to select pserver";
  249. $__throw["first_and_last_should_be_same_network"] = "First and last should be same network";
  250. $__throw["can_not_delete_in_demo"] = "Can not delete in DEMO";
  251. $__throw["can_not_add_in_demo"] = "Can not add in DEMO";
  252. $__throw["trying_to_access_an_unsettable_variable"] = "Trying to access an unsettable variable";
  253. $__throw["please_select_value"] = "Please select value";
  254. $__throw["quota_exceeded"] = "Quota exceeded";
  255. $__throw["select_one_is_not_an_acceptable_value"] = "Select one is not an acceptable value";
  256. $__throw["already_exists"] = "Already exists";
  257. $__throw["select_one_child"] = "Select one child";
  258. $__throw["ticketid_can_not_be_less_than_current"] = "Ticketid can not be less than current";
  259. $__throw["this_is_a_running_secondary_master"] = "This is a running secondary master";
  260. $__throw["db_add_failed"] = "DB add failed";
  261. $__throw["file_exists_not_owned"] = "File exists not owned";
  262. $__throw["could_not_decrypt_license"] = "Could not decrypt license";
  263. $__throw["demo"] = "Demo";
  264. $__throw["not_allowed_in_demo_version"] = "Not allowed in DEMO version";
  265. $__throw["switch_is_already_happening"] = "Switch is already happening";
  266. $__throw["livemigrate_is_already_happening"] = "Livemigrate is already happening";
  267. $__throw["does_not_exist"] = "Does not exist";
  268. $__throw["name_can_not_contain_comma"] = "Name can not contain comma";
  269. $__throw["name_can_not_contain_single_quote"] = "Name can not contain single quote";
  270. $__throw["name_can_not_contain_bracket"] = "Name can not contain bracket";
  271. $__throw["name_can_not_contain_plus"] = "Name can not contain plus";
  272. $__throw["name_can_not_contain_lessthan_greaterthan_or_and"] = "Name can not contain less than, greater than or and";
  273. $__throw["login_is_demo"] = "Login is demo";
  274. $__throw["class_is_null"] = "Class is null";
  275. $__throw["no_element"] = "No element";
  276. $__throw["inconsistency_in_backup_detected_parent_heirarchy_not_met"] = "Inconsistency in backup detected parent heirarchy not met";
  277. $__throw["not_enough_quota_in_parent"] = "Not enough quota in parent";
  278. $__throw["locked_by_parent"] = "Locked by parent";
  279. $__throw["changed_name_already_existst"] = "Changed name already exists";
  280. $__throw["could_not_get_file"] = "Could not get file";
  281. $__throw["objectclassname_does_not_match"] = "Objectclassname does not match";
  282. $__throw["only_admin_can_modify_general"] = "Only admin can modify general";
  283. $__throw["could_not_save_file"] = "Could not save file";
  284. $__throw["trying_to_go_outside_root"] = "Trying to go outside root";
  285. $__throw["monitoring_port_exceeded"] = "Monitoring port exceeded";
  286. $__throw["traceroute_failed"] = "Traceroute failed";
  287. $__throw["machine_does_not_exist_in_db"] = "Machine does not exist in DB";
  288. $__throw["could_not_connect_to_server"] = "Could not connect to server";
  289. $__throw["on_secondary_master"] = "On secondary master";
  290. $__throw["no_socket_connect_to_server"] = "No socket connect to server";
  291. $__throw["restarting_backend"] = "Restarting backend";
  292. $__throw["parent_does_not_have_permission_for"] = "Parent does not have permission for";
  293. $__throw["has_to_be_greater_than_zero"] = "Has to be greater than zero";
  294. $__throw["no_permission_to_backup"] = "No permission to backup";
  295. $__throw["could_not_find_file"] = "Could not find file";
  296. $__throw["backup_file_corrupted"] = "Backup file corrupted";
  297. $__throw["could_not_upload_file"] = "Could not upload file";
  298. $__throw["going_on"] = "Going on";
  299. $__throw["backup_number_exceeded"] = "Backup number exceeded";
  300. $__throw["backup_has_been_scheduled"] = "Backup has been scheduled";
  301. $__throw["file_already_exists"] = "File already exists";
  302. $__throw["could_not_create_user"] = "Could not create user";
  303. $__throw["could_not_find_free_loop"] = "Could not find free loop";
  304. $__throw["recursive_removal_low_level_directories_not_allowed"] = "Recursive removal low level directories not allowed";
  305. $__throw["no_stars_allowed"] = "No stars allowed";
  306. $__throw["setuid_not_allowed_in_chmod"] = "setuid not allowed in chmod";
  307. $__throw["document_root_may_not_contain_spaces"] = "Document root may not contain spaces";
  308. $__throw["document_root_may_not_contain_doubledots"] = "Document root may not contain doubledots";
  309. $__throw["document_root_may_not_contain_dotslash"] = "Document root may not contain dotslash";
  310. $__throw["document_root_may_not_contain_slashdot"] = "Document root may not contain slashdot";
  311. $__throw["document_root_may_not_contain_tilde"] = "Document root may not contain tilde";
  312. $__throw["no_need_protocol_http_or_https_for_location"] = "No need protocol http or https for location";
  313. $__throw["subdomain_not_added_due_to_dns_conflict"] = "Subdomain not added due to DNS conflict";
  314. $__throw["invalid_server_alias"] = "Invalid server alias";
  315. $__throw["se_submit_running_background"] = "Se submit running background";
  316. $__throw["no_ip_pool_in_parent"] = "No IP pool in parent";
  317. $__throw["secondary_php_not_work_for"] = "Secondary PHP not work for";
  318. $__throw["only_work_for_php-type_for_php-fpm"] = "Only work for PHP-Type for php-fpm";
  319. $__throw["other_install_process_still_running"] = "Other install process still running";
  320. $__throw["install_process_running_in_background"] = "Install process running in background";
  321. $__throw["path_already_exists"] = "Path already exists";
  322. $__throw["can_not_access_application_directory"] = "Can not access application directory";
  323. $__throw["could_not_connect_to_mysql_server_from_web_server"] = "Could not connect to MySQL server from Web server";
  324. $__throw["could_not_download_application_archive"] = "Could not download application archive";
  325. $__throw["could_not_copy_to_domain_root"] = "Could not copy to domain root";
  326. $__throw["could_not_copy_document_root"] = "Could not copy document root";
  327. $__throw["this_is_a_snapshot_of_an_older_installation"] = "This is a snapshot of an older installation";
  328. $__throw["database_already_exists"] = "Database already exists";
  329. $__throw["another_application_exists_in_the_same_location"] = "Another application exists in the same location";
  330. $__throw["could_not_create_database_after_20_tries"] = "Could not create database after 20 tries";
  331. $__throw["mysqldb_quota_exceeded"] = "Mysqldb quota exceeded";
  332. $__throw["invalid_email"] = "Invalid Email";
  333. $__throw["user_create"] = "Usercreate";
  334. $__throw["user_exists"] = "Userexists";
  335. $__throw["certificate_key_file_empty"] = "Certificate key file empty";
  336. $__throw["need_real_certificate"] = "Need real certificate";
  337. $__throw["sslcert_does_not_exists"] = "sslcert does not exists";
  338. $__throw["certificate_key_file_corrupted"] = "Certificate key file corrupted";
  339. $__throw["key_crt_files_needed"] = "Key crt files needed";
  340. $__throw["invalid_ssh_port"] = "invalid SSH Port";
  341. $__throw["could_not_write_config_file"] = "Could not write config file";
  342. $__throw["need_to_add_at_least_one_ip_to_vps_for_logging_in"] = "Need to add at least one IP to VPS for logging in";
  343. $__throw["dns_params_not_configured"] = "DNS params not configured";
  344. $__throw["no_vz_conf_directory"] = "No VZ conf directory";
  345. $__throw["could_not_find_xen_import_driver_file"] = "Could not find Xen import driver file";
  346. $__throw["no_xenimport_function"] = "No xenimport function";
  347. $__throw["not_ready_to_use"] = "Not ready to use";
  348. $__throw["no_ip_pool_configured_for_this_slave"] = "No IP pool configured for this slave";
  349. $__throw["only_alpha_numeric_characters_allowed"] = "Only alpha numeric characters allowed";
  350. $__throw["no_permission"] = "No permission";
  351. $__throw["could_not_connect_to_db"] = "Could not connect to DB";
  352. $__throw["database_user_already_exists"] = "Database user already exists";
  353. $__throw["could_not_find_matching_dumpfile_for_db"] = "Could not find matching dumpfile for DB";
  354. $__throw["update_scheduled"] = "Update scheduled";
  355. $__throw["slave_is_automatically_updated"] = "Slave is automatically updated";
  356. $__throw["modifying_eth_not_permitted"] = "Modifying eth not permitted";
  357. $__throw["modifying_not_permitted"] = "Modifying not permitted";
  358. $__throw["invalid_gateway"] = "Invalid gateway";
  359. $__throw["invalid_netmask"] = "Invalid netmask";
  360. $__throw["ipaddress_already_configured"] = "IPAddress already configured";
  361. $__throw["file_manager_is_readonly"] = "File Manager is readonly";
  362. $__throw["can_not_save_content"] = "Can not save content";
  363. $__throw["no_imagemagick"] = "No ImageMagick";
  364. $__throw["please_type_full_url_including_file_name"] = "Please type full url including file name";
  365. $__throw["file_exists"] = "File exists";
  366. $__throw["can_not_unzip_in_root"] = "Can not unzip in root";
  367. $__throw["root_can_not_extract_to_existing_dir"] = "Root can not extract to existing dir";
  368. $__throw["file_upload_already_exists"] = "File upload already exists";
  369. $__throw["file_rename_already_exists"] = "File rename already exists";
  370. $__throw["no_file_in_upload"] = "No file in upload";
  371. $__throw["folder_name_may_not_contain_doubledotsslash"] = "Folder name may not contain doubledotsslash";
  372. $__throw["only_in_backup"] = "Only in backup";
  373. $__throw["ftp_server_not_set"] = "FTP server not set";
  374. $__throw["lvm_does_not_exist"] = "LVM does not exist";
  375. $__throw["location_is_either_full_path_or_lvm"] = "Location is either full path or LVM";
  376. $__throw["this_domain_does_not_resolve_to_this_ip"] = "This domain does not resolve to this IPAddress";
  377. $__throw["no_database_server_pool_in_client"] = "No database server pool in client";
  378. $__throw["mysql_admin_password_is_not_correct"] = "MySQL admin password is not correct";
  379. $__throw["mysql_password_reset_failed"] = "MySQL password reset failed";
  380. $__throw["could_not_connect_to_db_admin"] = "Could not connect to DB admin";
  381. $__throw["dbpassword_can_not_be_null"] = "DB password can not be null";
  382. $__throw["adding_cron_failed"] = "Adding cron failed";
  383. $__throw["can_not_be_null"] = "Can not be null";
  384. $__throw["spamdyke_is_not_installed"] = "spamdyke is not installed";
  385. $__throw["simscan_is_not_installed_for_virus_scan"] = "simscan is not installed for virus scan";
  386. $__throw["could_not_delete_domain"] = "Could not delete domain";
  387. $__throw["could_not_add_mail_and_then_try_again"] = "Could not add mail, try again";
  388. $__throw["create_mailinglist_failed"] = "Create mailinglist failed";
  389. $__throw["need_listname"] = "Need listname";
  390. $__throw["mailaccount_add_failed"] = "MailAccount add failed";
  391. $__throw["first_add_some_autoresponders"] = "First add some autoresponders";
  392. $__throw["mailforward_already_exists"] = "Mailforward already exists";
  393. $__throw["no_permit_to_delete_main_ftpuser"] = "No permit to delete main FTPUser";
  394. $__throw["program_is_already_updating"] = "Program is already updating";
  395. $__throw["need_a_or_aaa_record"] = "Need A or AAA record declared";