{ "==Intro==": "template api for basic-settings search page API such as igroup, cgroup, agroup, branch, stroage", "//FilterName": "to filter for table field : ex) igroup_code", "//FilterValue": "to specify value of table field: ex) '123' ", "//Caution": "Query, Fields, Asc, Desc are not available in PageVar because some of them alreday specified or fixed in API automatically", "//QueryVars.QueryName": "Copy QueryVars.QueryName Values from parameter.QueryVars.Name in runtime", "QueryVars": { "QueryName": "deal_type", "FilterName": "", "FilterValue": "" }, "PageVars": { "Limit": 10, "Offset": 0, "ReturnJson": "This is for Tmp Value String for Query Condition in Base64Encoded" } }