EricKIm ac134e7565 240528-0919-Kim 5 月之前
.gitignore a06d7a7b11 231113-1706-Kim 1 年之前
.golangci.yml ac134e7565 240528-0919-Kim 5 月之前
.pre-commit-config.yaml ac134e7565 240528-0919-Kim 5 月之前 ac134e7565 240528-0919-Kim 5 月之前 ac134e7565 240528-0919-Kim 5 月之前 ac134e7565 240528-0919-Kim 5 月之前
Dockerfile.kafka ac134e7565 240528-0919-Kim 5 月之前 ac134e7565 240528-0919-Kim 5 月之前
Makefile a06d7a7b11 231113-1706-Kim 1 年之前 ac134e7565 240528-0919-Kim 5 月之前 ac134e7565 240528-0919-Kim 5 月之前
Vagrantfile a06d7a7b11 231113-1706-Kim 1 年之前
acl_bindings.go a06d7a7b11 231113-1706-Kim 1 年之前
acl_create_request.go ac134e7565 240528-0919-Kim 5 月之前
acl_create_response.go ac134e7565 240528-0919-Kim 5 月之前
acl_delete_request.go ac134e7565 240528-0919-Kim 5 月之前
acl_delete_response.go ac134e7565 240528-0919-Kim 5 月之前
acl_describe_request.go ac134e7565 240528-0919-Kim 5 月之前
acl_describe_response.go ac134e7565 240528-0919-Kim 5 月之前
acl_filter.go a06d7a7b11 231113-1706-Kim 1 年之前
acl_types.go ac134e7565 240528-0919-Kim 5 月之前
add_offsets_to_txn_request.go ac134e7565 240528-0919-Kim 5 月之前
add_offsets_to_txn_response.go ac134e7565 240528-0919-Kim 5 月之前
add_partitions_to_txn_request.go ac134e7565 240528-0919-Kim 5 月之前
add_partitions_to_txn_response.go ac134e7565 240528-0919-Kim 5 月之前
admin.go ac134e7565 240528-0919-Kim 5 月之前
alter_client_quotas_request.go ac134e7565 240528-0919-Kim 5 月之前
alter_client_quotas_response.go ac134e7565 240528-0919-Kim 5 月之前
alter_configs_request.go ac134e7565 240528-0919-Kim 5 月之前
alter_configs_response.go ac134e7565 240528-0919-Kim 5 月之前
alter_partition_reassignments_request.go ac134e7565 240528-0919-Kim 5 月之前
alter_partition_reassignments_response.go ac134e7565 240528-0919-Kim 5 月之前
alter_user_scram_credentials_request.go ac134e7565 240528-0919-Kim 5 月之前
alter_user_scram_credentials_response.go ac134e7565 240528-0919-Kim 5 月之前
api_versions_request.go ac134e7565 240528-0919-Kim 5 月之前
api_versions_response.go ac134e7565 240528-0919-Kim 5 月之前
async_producer.go ac134e7565 240528-0919-Kim 5 月之前
balance_strategy.go ac134e7565 240528-0919-Kim 5 月之前
broker.go ac134e7565 240528-0919-Kim 5 月之前
client.go ac134e7565 240528-0919-Kim 5 月之前
compress.go ac134e7565 240528-0919-Kim 5 月之前
config.go ac134e7565 240528-0919-Kim 5 月之前
config_resource_type.go a06d7a7b11 231113-1706-Kim 1 年之前
consumer.go ac134e7565 240528-0919-Kim 5 月之前
consumer_group.go ac134e7565 240528-0919-Kim 5 月之前
consumer_group_members.go ac134e7565 240528-0919-Kim 5 月之前
consumer_metadata_request.go ac134e7565 240528-0919-Kim 5 月之前
consumer_metadata_response.go ac134e7565 240528-0919-Kim 5 月之前
control_record.go a06d7a7b11 231113-1706-Kim 1 年之前
crc32_field.go a06d7a7b11 231113-1706-Kim 1 年之前
create_partitions_request.go ac134e7565 240528-0919-Kim 5 月之前
create_partitions_response.go ac134e7565 240528-0919-Kim 5 月之前
create_topics_request.go ac134e7565 240528-0919-Kim 5 月之前
create_topics_response.go ac134e7565 240528-0919-Kim 5 月之前
decompress.go ac134e7565 240528-0919-Kim 5 月之前
delete_groups_request.go ac134e7565 240528-0919-Kim 5 月之前
delete_groups_response.go ac134e7565 240528-0919-Kim 5 月之前
delete_offsets_request.go ac134e7565 240528-0919-Kim 5 月之前
delete_offsets_response.go ac134e7565 240528-0919-Kim 5 月之前
delete_records_request.go ac134e7565 240528-0919-Kim 5 月之前
delete_records_response.go ac134e7565 240528-0919-Kim 5 月之前
delete_topics_request.go ac134e7565 240528-0919-Kim 5 月之前
delete_topics_response.go ac134e7565 240528-0919-Kim 5 月之前
describe_client_quotas_request.go ac134e7565 240528-0919-Kim 5 月之前
describe_client_quotas_response.go ac134e7565 240528-0919-Kim 5 月之前
describe_configs_request.go ac134e7565 240528-0919-Kim 5 月之前
describe_configs_response.go ac134e7565 240528-0919-Kim 5 月之前
describe_groups_request.go ac134e7565 240528-0919-Kim 5 月之前
describe_groups_response.go ac134e7565 240528-0919-Kim 5 月之前
describe_log_dirs_request.go ac134e7565 240528-0919-Kim 5 月之前
describe_log_dirs_response.go ac134e7565 240528-0919-Kim 5 月之前
describe_user_scram_credentials_request.go ac134e7565 240528-0919-Kim 5 月之前
describe_user_scram_credentials_response.go ac134e7565 240528-0919-Kim 5 月之前
dev.yml a06d7a7b11 231113-1706-Kim 1 年之前
docker-compose.yml ac134e7565 240528-0919-Kim 5 月之前
encoder_decoder.go a06d7a7b11 231113-1706-Kim 1 年之前
end_txn_request.go ac134e7565 240528-0919-Kim 5 月之前
end_txn_response.go ac134e7565 240528-0919-Kim 5 月之前 ac134e7565 240528-0919-Kim 5 月之前
errors.go ac134e7565 240528-0919-Kim 5 月之前
fetch_request.go ac134e7565 240528-0919-Kim 5 月之前
fetch_response.go ac134e7565 240528-0919-Kim 5 月之前
find_coordinator_request.go ac134e7565 240528-0919-Kim 5 月之前
find_coordinator_response.go ac134e7565 240528-0919-Kim 5 月之前
gssapi_kerberos.go ac134e7565 240528-0919-Kim 5 月之前
heartbeat_request.go ac134e7565 240528-0919-Kim 5 月之前
heartbeat_response.go ac134e7565 240528-0919-Kim 5 月之前
incremental_alter_configs_request.go ac134e7565 240528-0919-Kim 5 月之前
incremental_alter_configs_response.go ac134e7565 240528-0919-Kim 5 月之前
init_producer_id_request.go ac134e7565 240528-0919-Kim 5 月之前
init_producer_id_response.go ac134e7565 240528-0919-Kim 5 月之前
interceptors.go ac134e7565 240528-0919-Kim 5 月之前
join_group_request.go ac134e7565 240528-0919-Kim 5 月之前
join_group_response.go ac134e7565 240528-0919-Kim 5 月之前
kerberos_client.go ac134e7565 240528-0919-Kim 5 月之前
leave_group_request.go ac134e7565 240528-0919-Kim 5 月之前
leave_group_response.go ac134e7565 240528-0919-Kim 5 月之前
length_field.go a06d7a7b11 231113-1706-Kim 1 年之前
list_groups_request.go ac134e7565 240528-0919-Kim 5 月之前
list_groups_response.go ac134e7565 240528-0919-Kim 5 月之前
list_partition_reassignments_request.go ac134e7565 240528-0919-Kim 5 月之前
list_partition_reassignments_response.go ac134e7565 240528-0919-Kim 5 月之前
message.go a06d7a7b11 231113-1706-Kim 1 年之前
message_set.go a06d7a7b11 231113-1706-Kim 1 年之前
metadata_request.go ac134e7565 240528-0919-Kim 5 月之前
metadata_response.go ac134e7565 240528-0919-Kim 5 月之前
metrics.go ac134e7565 240528-0919-Kim 5 月之前
mockbroker.go ac134e7565 240528-0919-Kim 5 月之前
mockkerberos.go a06d7a7b11 231113-1706-Kim 1 年之前
mockresponses.go ac134e7565 240528-0919-Kim 5 月之前
offset_commit_request.go ac134e7565 240528-0919-Kim 5 月之前
offset_commit_response.go ac134e7565 240528-0919-Kim 5 月之前
offset_fetch_request.go ac134e7565 240528-0919-Kim 5 月之前
offset_fetch_response.go ac134e7565 240528-0919-Kim 5 月之前
offset_manager.go ac134e7565 240528-0919-Kim 5 月之前
offset_request.go ac134e7565 240528-0919-Kim 5 月之前
offset_response.go ac134e7565 240528-0919-Kim 5 月之前
packet_decoder.go ac134e7565 240528-0919-Kim 5 月之前
packet_encoder.go a06d7a7b11 231113-1706-Kim 1 年之前
partitioner.go ac134e7565 240528-0919-Kim 5 月之前
prep_encoder.go a06d7a7b11 231113-1706-Kim 1 年之前
produce_request.go ac134e7565 240528-0919-Kim 5 月之前
produce_response.go ac134e7565 240528-0919-Kim 5 月之前
produce_set.go ac134e7565 240528-0919-Kim 5 月之前
quota_types.go a06d7a7b11 231113-1706-Kim 1 年之前
real_decoder.go a06d7a7b11 231113-1706-Kim 1 年之前
real_encoder.go a06d7a7b11 231113-1706-Kim 1 年之前
record.go a06d7a7b11 231113-1706-Kim 1 年之前
record_batch.go ac134e7565 240528-0919-Kim 5 月之前
records.go a06d7a7b11 231113-1706-Kim 1 年之前
request.go ac134e7565 240528-0919-Kim 5 月之前
response_header.go a06d7a7b11 231113-1706-Kim 1 年之前
sarama.go ac134e7565 240528-0919-Kim 5 月之前
sasl_authenticate_request.go ac134e7565 240528-0919-Kim 5 月之前
sasl_authenticate_response.go ac134e7565 240528-0919-Kim 5 月之前
sasl_handshake_request.go ac134e7565 240528-0919-Kim 5 月之前
sasl_handshake_response.go ac134e7565 240528-0919-Kim 5 月之前
scram_formatter.go a06d7a7b11 231113-1706-Kim 1 年之前
sticky_assignor_user_data.go a06d7a7b11 231113-1706-Kim 1 年之前
sync_group_request.go ac134e7565 240528-0919-Kim 5 月之前
sync_group_response.go ac134e7565 240528-0919-Kim 5 月之前
sync_producer.go ac134e7565 240528-0919-Kim 5 月之前
timestamp.go a06d7a7b11 231113-1706-Kim 1 年之前
transaction_manager.go ac134e7565 240528-0919-Kim 5 月之前
txn_offset_commit_request.go ac134e7565 240528-0919-Kim 5 月之前
txn_offset_commit_response.go ac134e7565 240528-0919-Kim 5 月之前
utils.go ac134e7565 240528-0919-Kim 5 月之前
version.go a06d7a7b11 231113-1706-Kim 1 年之前
zstd.go a06d7a7b11 231113-1706-Kim 1 年之前


Go Reference OpenSSF Scorecard OpenSSF Best Practices

Sarama is an MIT-licensed Go client library for Apache Kafka.

Getting started

  • API documentation and examples are available via
  • Mocks for testing are available in the mocks subpackage.
  • The examples directory contains more elaborate example applications.
  • The tools directory contains command line tools that can be useful for testing, diagnostics, and instrumentation.

You might also want to look at the Frequently Asked Questions.

Compatibility and API stability

Sarama provides a "2 releases + 2 months" compatibility guarantee: we support the two latest stable releases of Kafka and Go, and we provide a two month grace period for older releases. However, older releases of Kafka are still likely to work.

Sarama follows semantic versioning and provides API stability via the standard Go module version numbering scheme.

A changelog is available here.
