123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202203204205206207208209210211212213214215216217218219220221222223224225226227228229230231232233234235236237238239240241242243244245246247248249250251252253254255256257258259260261262263264265266267268269270271272273274275276277278 |
- // Author : Eric Kim
- // Build Date : 23 Jul 2018 Last Update 02 Aug 2018
- // End-Agent for Passcon Multi OS go binding with Windows, MacOS, iOS, and Android
- // All rights are reserved.
- package etc
- import (
- "bytes"
- "crypto"
- "crypto/aes"
- "crypto/cipher"
- "crypto/rand"
- "crypto/rsa"
- "crypto/sha256"
- "crypto/x509"
- "encoding/base64"
- "encoding/pem"
- "errors"
- "fmt"
- "io"
- "math/big"
- "strings"
- )
- func RsaPrPbPair(keyLeng int) ([]byte, []byte) {
- prKey, _ := rsa.GenerateKey(rand.Reader, keyLeng)
- pbKey := &prKey.PublicKey
- prBytes := x509.MarshalPKCS1PrivateKey(prKey)
- prMem := pem.EncodeToMemory(&pem.Block{
- Bytes: prBytes,
- })
- // Bytes: 에 직접 넣으면 런타임에서 에러남.(중요!!)
- pbBytes, err := x509.MarshalPKIXPublicKey(pbKey)
- if err != nil {
- fmt.Println(err)
- }
- pbMem := pem.EncodeToMemory(&pem.Block{
- Bytes: pbBytes,
- })
- return prMem, pbMem
- }
- func RsaSignature(prKey []byte, msg []byte) ([]byte, error) { // msg 245=(256-11)bytes 이하
- block, _ := pem.Decode(prKey)
- if block == nil {
- return nil, MyErr("QROPBDHCF-pem.Decode", nil, false)
- }
- priv, err := x509.ParsePKCS1PrivateKey(block.Bytes)
- if err != nil {
- return nil, MyErr("QERDVAEQYG-x509.ParsePKCS1PrivateKey", err, false)
- }
- sign, err := rsa.SignPKCS1v15(nil, priv, crypto.Hash(0), msg)
- if err != nil {
- return nil, MyErr("CZGSRFVA-rsa.SignPKCS1v15", err, false)
- }
- return sign, nil
- }
- func RsaOriginal(pubKey []byte, msg []byte) ([]byte, error) {
- block, _ := pem.Decode(pubKey)
- if block == nil {
- return nil, MyErr("ADYERFBJ-pem.Decode", nil, false)
- }
- pubInterface, err := x509.ParsePKIXPublicKey(block.Bytes)
- if err != nil {
- return nil, MyErr("MNCHSTRGB-x509.ParsePKIXPublicKey", err, false)
- }
- pbKey := pubInterface.(*rsa.PublicKey)
- c := new(big.Int)
- m := new(big.Int)
- m.SetBytes(msg)
- e := big.NewInt(int64(pbKey.E))
- c.Exp(m, e, pbKey.N)
- out := c.Bytes()
- skip := 0
- for i := 2; i < len(out); i++ {
- if i+1 >= len(out) {
- break
- }
- if out[i] == 0xff && out[i+1] == 0 {
- skip = i + 2
- break
- }
- }
- return out[skip:], nil
- }
- func RsaPbEncrypt(publicKey []byte, msg []byte) ([]byte, error) {
- origData := msg
- block, _ := pem.Decode(publicKey)
- if block == nil {
- return nil, MyErr("QEROBVSRAE-pem.Decode", nil, false)
- }
- pubInterface, err := x509.ParsePKIXPublicKey(block.Bytes)
- if err != nil {
- return nil, MyErr("KDGBSAERT-x509.ParsePKIXPublicKey", err, false)
- }
- pub := pubInterface.(*rsa.PublicKey)
- label := []byte("")
- sha256hash := sha256.New()
- enBytes, err := rsa.EncryptOAEP(sha256hash, rand.Reader, pub, origData, label)
- if err != nil {
- return nil, MyErr("rsa.EncryptOAEP", err, false)
- }
- return enBytes, nil
- }
- func RsaPrDecrypt(privateKey []byte, msg []byte) ([]byte, error) {
- ciphertext := msg
- block, _ := pem.Decode(privateKey)
- if block == nil {
- return nil, MyErr("USFBSHWER-pem.Decode", nil, false)
- }
- priv, err := x509.ParsePKCS1PrivateKey(block.Bytes)
- if err != nil {
- return nil, MyErr("MTVZQFGAEW-x509.ParsePKCS1PrivateKey", err, false)
- }
- label := []byte("")
- sha256hash := sha256.New()
- deBytes, err := rsa.DecryptOAEP(sha256hash, rand.Reader, priv, ciphertext, label)
- if err != nil {
- return nil, MyErr("QGOTRVBAE-rsa.DecryptOAEP", err, false)
- }
- return deBytes, nil
- }
- func AddBase64Padding(value string) string {
- m := len(value) % 4
- if m != 0 {
- value += strings.Repeat("=", 4-m)
- }
- return value
- }
- func RemoveBase64Padding(value string) string {
- return strings.Replace(value, "=", "", -1)
- }
- func AesPad(src []byte) []byte {
- padding := aes.BlockSize - len(src)%aes.BlockSize
- padtext := bytes.Repeat([]byte{byte(padding)}, padding)
- return append(src, padtext...)
- }
- func AesUnpad(src []byte) ([]byte, error) {
- length := len(src)
- unpadding := int(src[length-1])
- if unpadding > length {
- return nil, errors.New("OYNSTBZE-unpad error. This could happen when incorrect myEncryption key is used")
- }
- return src[:(length - unpadding)], nil
- }
- func AesEncrypt(key []byte, text []byte) ([]byte, error) {
- block, err := aes.NewCipher(key)
- if err != nil {
- fmt.Println("WERFAV-Error: NewCipher in myEncrypt - " + err.Error())
- return nil, err
- }
- msg := AesPad(text)
- ciphertext := make([]byte, aes.BlockSize+len(msg))
- iv := ciphertext[:aes.BlockSize]
- if _, err := io.ReadFull(rand.Reader, iv); err != nil {
- return nil, MyErr("-NYTZVCEF-io.ReadFull", err, false)
- }
- cfb := cipher.NewCFBEncrypter(block, iv)
- cfb.XORKeyStream(ciphertext[aes.BlockSize:], msg)
- finalMsg := RemoveBase64Padding(base64.URLEncoding.EncodeToString(ciphertext))
- return []byte(finalMsg), nil
- }
- func AesDecrypt(key []byte, text []byte) ([]byte, error) {
- block, err := aes.NewCipher(key)
- if err != nil {
- return nil, MyErr("YGBARZDF-aes.NewCipher", err, false)
- }
- decodedMsg, err := base64.URLEncoding.DecodeString(AddBase64Padding(string(text)))
- if err != nil {
- return nil, MyErr("VSGRERGBEW-base64.URLEncoding.DecodeString, Possibley Decryption string is too long", err, false)
- }
- if (len(decodedMsg) % aes.BlockSize) != 0 {
- return nil, MyErr("MHETYGVBA-aes.BlockSize-blocksize must be multipe of decoded message length", err, false)
- }
- iv := decodedMsg[:aes.BlockSize]
- msg := decodedMsg[aes.BlockSize:]
- cfb := cipher.NewCFBDecrypter(block, iv)
- cfb.XORKeyStream(msg, msg)
- unpadMsg, err := AesUnpad(msg)
- if err != nil {
- return nil, MyErr("WERQFAERGQ-AesUnpad", err, false)
- }
- return unpadMsg, nil
- }
- func Sha256Hash(data []byte, leng int) []byte {
- hash := sha256.New() //SHA-3 규격임.
- hash.Write(data)
- mdStr := base64.URLEncoding.EncodeToString(hash.Sum(nil))
- rtn := ""
- if leng == 0 {
- rtn = mdStr
- } else {
- rtn = mdStr[10 : 10+leng]
- }
- return []byte(rtn)
- }
- func Aes256Encrypt(key []byte, nonce []byte, plaintext []byte) ([]byte, error) {
- // The key argument should be the AES key, either 16 or 32 bytes
- block, err := aes.NewCipher(key)
- if err != nil {
- return nil, MyErr("YBBAERFRYY-NewCipher", err, false)
- }
- // Never use more than 2^32 random nonces with a given key because of the risk of a repeat.
- // nonce := make([]byte, 12) // Do not change 12
- // if _, err := io.ReadFull(rand.Reader, nonce); err != nil {
- // return nil, myErr("io.ReadFull", err)
- // }
- aesgcm, err := cipher.NewGCM(block)
- if err != nil {
- return nil, MyErr("ERGVSER-cipher.NewGCM", err, false)
- }
- text := aesgcm.Seal(nil, nonce, plaintext, nil)
- return text, nil
- }
- func Aes256Decrypt(key []byte, nonce []byte, text []byte) ([]byte, error) {
- block, err := aes.NewCipher(key)
- if err != nil {
- return nil, MyErr("NSTRFGBSAF-NewCipher", err, false)
- }
- aesgcm, err := cipher.NewGCM(block)
- if err != nil {
- return nil, MyErr("PQWKKLVASD-cipher.NewGCM", err, false)
- }
- plaintext, err := aesgcm.Open(nil, nonce, text, nil)
- if err != nil {
- return nil, MyErr("POQWEIRUNVAIK-aesgcm.Open", err, false)
- }
- return plaintext, nil
- }