1016 B

  1. #//# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2. #//# Created using Sequence Diagram for Mac
  3. #//#
  4. #//#
  5. #//# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  6. title "Locking and Unlocking Member Account"
  7. participant Member as member
  8. participant Frontend as front
  9. participant Backend_API as back
  10. participant ERP_DB as erpdb
  11. activate front
  12. activate back
  13. loop [ for until fail_cnt is 5 ]
  14. member->front: enter id/pass in login page
  15. front->back: find id/passwd of member
  16. back->erpdb: add fail_cnt +1\n if member id/pass mismatched
  17. back->erpdb: lock member record \n if fails until 5 times
  18. back->front: or response 507(mismatched)
  19. front->member: show message(mismatched)
  20. end
  21. back->front: response 509(failure-limit) if over 5 times
  22. front->member: show message(mismatched)
  23. deactivate back
  24. deactivate front
  25. deactivate member