Blockchain-wallet-1-2.uml 1.2 KB

  1. @startuml
  2. title "Crypto Wallet Process(1),(2)"
  3. boundary User_Page as up
  4. participant Frontend_Server as fe
  5. participant Backend_Server as be
  6. database Prod_database as db
  7. database Remote_database as udb
  8. participant Ethereum_Geth as geth
  9. autonumber
  10. note over up
  11. (1) GetBalance
  12. (/dangnn-wallet-balance)
  13. end note
  14. up->fe: Wallet Account Page
  15. fe->be: loggin user id
  16. be->db: find wallet record
  17. db->be: wallet accout addr
  18. note over be: Call Geth fuction
  19. be->geth: request account balance
  20. geth->be: accout balance
  21. be->fe: current accout balance
  22. fe->up: show account balance
  23. note over up:
  24. note over up:
  25. autonumber
  26. note over up
  27. (2) Create Wallet
  28. /dangnn-wallet-create
  29. end note
  30. up->fe: create wallet
  31. fe->be: loggin user id
  32. note over be: Call Geth Create Wallet
  33. be->geth: create wallet
  34. geth->be: private_key & account addr
  35. note over be
  36. (1) get encryption key
  37. (2) with DB connection string Hash
  38. end note
  39. be->udb: request AES-256 encryption key\n with SHA-256 Hash conn string
  40. udb->be: AES-256 encryption key
  41. note over be : encrypt Private_key\nwith AES encrypt key
  42. be->db: save encrypted private key & account addr
  43. db->be: save OK
  44. be->fe: request OK
  45. fe->up: show creation OK
  46. @enduml